Chapter 30

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The kiss was short, yet it felt like our lips were against each other for a hundred years. Gilbert pulled away for me. I started into his crimson eyes. This can't be reality, nothing this good can be real.

"W-why did you kiss me?" I asked, trying to tear my eyes away from his eyes.

"I like you."

That's when my heart stopped. He can't like me, who would like me? My emotions were all over the place. I wanted to confess but at the same time I want to run away and hide. This could be a joke, he was known to play cruel pranks on people.

"I do too." My fear was over run by love and I can't stop it. The love I felt for him couldn't be stopped, no matter how hard I tried. So, I should just finally let myself fall in love, even if I don't know where it is going to take me.

"Monica,"He paused,"Will you be my girlfriend?" He looked down with a bright red blush on his face.

"Yes."He brought me in a hug.

Yes. A thousand times yes. The stars glowed in the dark sky as he kissed me once more. This kiss was deeper and more passionate. It made my skin crawl and my heart beat loud. I loved the taste of him, the way his kiss made me feel worthy. My fist kiss was with Gilbert. That thought made my happy, no matter how many times I'll look back on this it will always leave a smile on my face, no matter how many years from now it will always make me yearn for another one of his kisses.

I feel like I'm risking it all.If this goes wrong then the thought of love will make me cringe. But, I didn't care, all I care about is this moment,Gilbert and I kissing under the stars. Gilbert pulled away from me, leaving me breathless. He held me in his arms, with my head in the crook of his neck. I loved the way I felt in his arms, so warmed, so loved. Like two puzzle pieces that have finally found their matching piece.

"Anneliese." He whispered in my ear.

"What?" I murmured.

"The name. I want to name out child Anneliese." Gilbert explained.

Annaliese. That was beautiful. The name repeated in my head. I thought of me a couple years from now calling my daughter Anneliese.

"Anneliese," I paused trying to think of a middle name,"How about Phoebe for a middle name?" I used my grandmother's name.

"Anneliese Phoebe Holzmann." He said the name of our future daughter, hugging me tighter.

Anneliese Phoebe Holzmann.


Sorry if this chapter was short and cheesy, it's hard to do a romantic scene not cheesy.

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