Chapter 27

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(Monica's Pov)

*23 weeks or 5 months*

Gilbert's getting out of the hospital today. The doctors said it was a concussion and he had to get stitches in his head where the cut was. I would visit before and after school and stay there for hours. No one else really came to visit him, so it was only us two. Honestly, my heart dropped once he said he liked someone else. I shouldn't be feeling jealous over a much prettier girl then me.Right from the start she was destined to be with Gilbert, she was a goddess compared to me. I don't know her but anyone is better then me.

"Finally I'm free!" Gilbert cheered as I pushed his wheelchair down the hallway.

"I can do it by myself." He said, taking me hand off the handles.I guess I was babying him a bit. I regretted that thought once I saw him speed down the hallway with all his strength.

I started to run after him while apologizing to every doctor and nurse he runs past. He finally stopped in front of the bathrooms. I caught up to him, panting and out of breath.

"Gilbert!" I yelled grabbing the handles again.

"I just really had to pee!" He grabbed his crouch and did a little dance.

"Fine, hurry up." I let go.

"I need help!" He whined,"I'm paralyzed!"

I let out a sigh,"Just go." I groaned.

"Fine, I'll just pee on this wheelchair."He crossed his arms and shut his eyes.

"Can't you just stop being a baby?" I snarled.

"I'll go to the bathroom if you give me a kiss." He made a kissy face with his lips.

My face grew hot and I started to get nervous. I looked away from him. After a couple of minutes I started to realize he was serious. I looked back at him, he still was making the same face. I got closer to him and kissed his cheek.He gave me a confused look, like he didn't think I was actually going to do that. Gilbert's whole face was red including his ears.

"I-I'll be back." He said wobbling out of his wheelchair and walking through the men's bathroom door.


(Monica's Pov)

*27 weeks or 6 months*

I stepped on the autumn leaves as I walked the pathway to the small house holding a light box.Autumn has just begun and the leaves were now departing from the trees making every step have a crunching sound. It was a chilly morning, the wind blew your hair and people started to drink more and more coffee.

Today I was starting a band new start with a new home, a bit outside of campus. I couldn't afford living by myself so Alfred, Felicia, Sakura, and I are all going to live in a four bedroom house.

Felicia sang as she picked up flowers off the ground, not helping at all. Alfred and Gilbert brought in the couch, both holding one side and arguing on where it should go. Sakura held a box in her hand, obviously struggling. I wanted to help more than carrying a light box filled with clothes, but everyone said that I was pregnant and shouldn't be carrying heavily objects.

They were right, my legs are cramping up and my back ached. I walked in to the dark blue living room and set down the box.

"Monica!Where is your room going to be?" Gilbert asked holding a coffee table.

"They offered the biggest one to my because of the baby." I told him while walking up stairs holding the box of clothes. I tried to hide the fact that I was struggling to get up.

"The awesome me will help." Gilbert said grabbing the box away from me and started to walk up stairs.

"I could have done it." I murmured, following him up the stairs to my room.

He set the box on the ground and looked around the room. The room was a boring white color and there was only a bed in it. I sat on the bed trying to regain my breath.

"Can I feel the baby?" Gilbert asked, excitably, walking over to my with his arm outstretched.

He pressed his head up against my big stomach. I few minutes passed when he yelled,"She kicked me!" His voice was offended and excited. I laughed.

It was was exciting to feel the baby kick. This little princess and I are sharing the same body, the same air, the same food.

I don't have to see the your face to know that you will be the most beautiful baby in the world, I don't have to see your smile to know that it will brighten anyone's day, I don't have to hold you to know that I love you with all my heart.

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