Chapter 1

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"I-I'm sorry, but we have to let you go." Mr.Yao stuttered. His small figure slouched, which was unusual considering Mr.Yao had a good posture, especially talking to his employees, his head was tilted down so his black bangs were making it nearly impossible to see his emotion on his face.

I stared at him with wide eyes.I didn't understand why I was getting fired, I've been, in my opinion, doing a decent job here.I thought over reasons why I get fired, but nothing came up. Millions of questions were swimming in my mind right now. But the biggest one was: Why?

After several minutes of silence, I finally had the cougar to asked the big question,"W-why?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"I'm sorry.." He said again. Those were the last words I hear before his secretary, Ms.Xio, escorted me out. I felt so devastated, how can I pay for my bills or buy food? But most of all I felt embarrassed, I've never been fired from any job I've had and I've been work since I was fourteen! I worked my ass off at this job and I got fired. Mr.Yao is being unreasonable. He wouldn't even tell me the reason!

Ms.Xio walked next me as we walked towards my cubicle. I could still hear the rain hitting the roof. It was coming down heavier and faster. The wind's moan filled the busy office, making people look outside with a worried face. I breath in heavily, knowing that I have to walk home in this weather. I watched other employees speed walk around to office, gathering papers and drinking coffee.

It felt like I've walked a marathon once I got to my cubicle. It was a terrible walk with people staring at me and then whispering to a friend, thinking that I wasn't looking or people asking me'Are you okay,'or,'I feel bad for you.'

"Do you need any help?" Ms.Xio asked once we got to my cubicle. She smiled and her brown eyes shined.

"No," I said, immediately regretting it as I saw her face turn disappointed. I honestly didn't care at that point, "Fine," I begun,"You can help, but be careful of my stuff."

I grabbed a pencil box and carefully put it in the cardboard box.


I walked in the soaking rain to my house across town. I thought walking to work everyday would be a good thing because I'm being active and healthy, but today I regretted everything. I covered my arms with my hands trying to warm myself from the chilly weather. The rain continued to soak my hair and clothes as I jogged to my house.

I could see my breath every time I breathed and my fingers were red going on blue. Everything was soundless only the drops of rain, that was like ice. It was like there was no one else in the world but me.

My apartment was empty and neat, just how I left it this morning. My three dogs came running towards, all three of their tails wagged with delight that after hours of silence, I am finally home. I petted them all and walked to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. My blonde hair suck to my face and my face was pale and my cheeks were red. Like blood on snow.

Oh, how I wished I was a carefree child again.I wish I was innocent again and fun again. But that can't happen, I was stuck with adulthood like a lighting bolt. My innocence was taken again because of people, how deceiving people are or how cruel they are. My fun was taken again because of life, I can't seem to find anything to laugh about or even smile about.

I knew I was never going to fall in love. Frankly, I didn't want it. If it's like my parents' relationship, I want nothing to do with it. But all that might change.


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