Chapter 10

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(Monica's POV)

Felicia lied on her bed with her bare feet up in the air. One of her hands was holding pizza and the other was drawing. I have no idea a girl could eat pizza and draw a beautiful picture at the same time.

"Hi Monica," She greeted once she noticed me"I though you ended class at 1:00?" I looked at the time. 3:00. Crap I didn't think Gilbert and I were out that late. But the 2 hours were surprisingly well spent.

"I went out with a friend," I replied as I sat on my bed. I don't know why but I felt so nauseous. Maybe it's the anxiety of the first day of college. The only thing I knew was it was terrible. At first I thought I was just hungry but after lunch I still felt sick.

I curled up in a ball on my bed gripping my stomach.'It will go away' I kept saying to myself.'Maybe I need to go to the bathroom' I thought as I sat up slowly. I slowly lifted myself off the bed but immediately regretted it because I threw up all over the floor.

Felicia ran over to me trying to avoid looking or stepping in the vomit. "Monica, you okay?" She asked as she helped me into my bed. "What happened?"

"I don't know," I admitted. I covered my face in humiliation. This week has been the worst week of my life. Felicia grabbed a trash can and put it next to my bed.

"I will be right back I'm going to get some medication at the store." She said like I was a child. I nodded, not wanting to open my mouth, scared that I was going to vomit again.I closed my eyes. I heard the door open and then some talking. I wasn't listening to the conversation though.

I still felt a presence in the room every once Felicia left. I heard a person clearing his throat. My blue eyes snapped to see Alfred in front of my bed.

"I see you've had a good first day of school." He joked and sat on my bed.

"Gilbert is my professor." I murmured. He didn't know all the details of that night, but he knew the main idea. I didn't even know the details, honestly.

"Oh..." He said awkwardly." Then you'll get good grades then!" He laughed.

I couldn't stop the tears that leaked out of my eyes. I tried to wipe them off, but they just kept coming. Everything just came out and I mean EVERYTHING. My father's death, getting fired, losing my virginity, college, everything.

I haven't cried for months maybe even years. All the stress caused me to break down. I cried over things no one would cry about. The sheer thought of an event from my past made tears come out even more. It was like all my sad childhood memories that I've long forgotten just flooded back making me wish I've never came to America. That I was back in Germany in my mother's arms like I was a child again.

"It's alright," I could hear Alfred say awkwardly but It wasn't alright.

"It's not!" I said almost yelling because it was true. Nothing going to be alright anymore.

"Maybe not right now but in the future," Alfred said rubbing my back.

I buried my head deeper into the pillow. Honestly, I wanted Gilbert here with me. I wanted to tell him all about what I felt that night. I barely knew him, but that didn't stop me from craving his presence. I don't know why but I hated him for taking my virginity, but I like him for, god knows why.


(Gilbert's Pov)

"Hey Felicia," I said to Felicia as she looked through the medicine alley. She was first startled from my sudden appearance, but them she smiled once she found out it was me.

"Hi Gil!" She greeted, wrapping her hands around me and giving me a hug.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I looked in her cart. Chocolate, pasta, hot pads, and aspirin. Looks like she is going to have a fun night.

"My roommate just got sick." She replied, adding a pink medicine to the cart.

"On the first day?" I laughed at her roommate's misfortune.

"She's actually in the English Major." She said. "Maybe you know her."

"I don't know everyone in the English Major," I said, "Besides I forget most of my students by the end of the day."

"Her name is Monica."

My heart dropped. Why is Monica sick? Different Scenarios swam around in my head. I tried to ignore the biggest one even though I knew it was a possible, that I rather not think of.

Maybe it's just the flu I thought in my head numerous times. Or It could be a different Monica.

"Her last name is Holzmenn."


I'm guessing Felicia noticed the look on my face."You know her?" She asked as we walked to the checkout.

"I think she's in one of my classes," I said, trying to sound unsure.

"That's great." Felicia giggled. Felicia was a beautiful girl. Her auburn hair always curl to perfection, her brown eyes so bright and shiny that it could be compared to gold, and her figure is what all the men die for, she had curves were in all the right places.

I have to admit that I did have a crush on her. I even went so far as to ask her out, she denied me as nice as can be. I don't like her anymore. Our love was like a cigarette, one minute it a lite and it's so good to inhale it then the next minute it's on the ground, forgotten.

"She's nice," Felicia said, putting the stuff on the counter."I would invite you over, but she's sick." She handed her money to the depressed cashier. She harshly took it and counted it.

"Have a great day! " She cheered to the cashier, knowing that she needed that. We both walked put together.

"Did you get anything?" She asked.

"No, I came here for some beer but I don't need it anymore."

"You quitting? That's great!" She laughed as she put the grocery bag on the passenger seat.

"Hell no, I just don't want any." I laughed.

"Maybe you should, I mean beer isn't good for you and it will be better if you quit." She sounded concerned.

"That's like taking your pasta away," I smirked.

"No," She yelled, dramatically,"Sorry I got the go.Bye, Gil!" She got in the seat and drove off rather fast.

I quickly grabbed my phone and texted Monica.

"You okay?" I texted, as I sat down at the bus stop.

The phone buzzed a few minutes later.

"How did you know I was sick?" She replied.

"I know everything,"

"Don't be creepy."

"I saw Felicia at the pharmacy getting drugs for you. She told me her roommate, Monica, was sick." I said, trying to be serious.

"You know Felicia?"

"I get around."

"Yes, I'm sick but why do you need to know that?" She still doesn't realized that she could be...pregnant. I didn't want to think about that but it's a possibility.

"I fucked you without a condom." So much for being serious.

She didn't replied instead she called me.

"Do you really think that I might be..." She stopped. I heard her let out a sigh.

"I'm not sure." I said. I wanted to come over there and hug her. How she said her words sounded strict but I could tell that there a hint of sadness. I wanted to rip that sadness from her. I known her for a few days but I still felt a connection. A strong connection between her and me. I wanted to get close to her, and found out her story. The story that she hides under her anger. The one I want to open up and read for hours with no stopping. I knew I couldn't, she'll wouldn't let me in. I already know that she dislikes me. And I can't change that.

Even if I try.

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