Chapter 25

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(Monica's Pov)

*20 weeks or 5 months*

People laughed and talked all around Gilbert's backyard. The sun was shining and the bugs chirped. It was a hot August afternoon and everyone gathered in Gilbert's backyard for hot dogs and hamburgers and the gender of the baby.

Alfred was nowhere to be found.

I talked to him about the party, he said he'll come but the party started 30 minutes ago and I was starting to get worried. He was still upset at Gilbert, he swore not to murder him at the party. I knew he didn't hate Gilbert, they been friends for a while, he was just angry at him for not being responsible.

"Monica!" Felicia yelled while she eat the pizza she brought.

"Hi, I see you think it's a girl." I looked at her light pink dress she wore.

"Yeah, girls are more fun to dress up!" She laughed. She looked back at her older sister, who she brought along. Her sister yelled at her to come back.

I walked around the place, mingling with guests and rejecting people who wanted to know the gender right now. I made it over to the barbecue, where Gilbert cooked hot dogs and hamburgers.

"Monica! You didn't see my apron?" He exclaimed while flipping a hamburger. I read his apron ,'Kiss the awesome chef".

"I'd pass." I said, making him frown.Blush run across his face.I hoped it was from the heat.

"Who would pass this awesome face?" He smirked.


I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I checked it,'On the way.' It made me smile that Alfred was going to be here. I looked over at Gilbert.

The sun's rays hit his flawless face perfectly. That face I wanted to punch at times and other times, I wanted to kiss it. He laughed about a joke Antonio made. I loved his laugh, it was weird but also so cute. I need to stop thinking like this. I had to walk away, not being able to look at Gilbert.

I walked over to the front gate, waiting for Alfred's arrival. He walked in wearing a dark blue shirt.

"Hi, Monica! Were you waiting for the hero?" Alfred smirked at me.

"Yeah,where is he?" I joked, pretending to look for a hero.

"You're looking at him!" He frowned,"What's the baby!"

"Just wait!" I told him,"So you think it's a boy?"

"Yeah, I want to play football with him! So, am I right?" He said loudly.

"You can wait like everyone else." I responded.

"Aww that's no fun!" He complained, stomping his feet like a child.

"Everyone! Look at the awesome me!" Gilbert yelled, getting everyone's attention. He stood in front of the backyard holding the cupcakes, that was filled with icing of the gender, in his hand.

"Inside these cupcakes are the color of the baby's gender!" Everyone ran up to the cupcakes and started to harshly eat them, not caring about the taste.

"I was right!!" Felicia cheered,loudly.

"She could be my little sidekick!" Alfred yelled, not caring if he got it wrong.

I walked over to Gilbert, who was almost tramped by the people getting cupcakes. I pulled out a hand to help him up.

"Man, these people are animals," Gilbert said, "Especially Alfred, I think he bite me."

I didn't respond, I was too knowledgeable to the fact that we were still holding hands. His hand was sweaty, probably from the heat or he was nervous. For some reason I couldn't bring me self to let go, they were like glued together. I wanted to stay hand and hand with him. I finally forced my head to look at his eyes. He was looking away, his face was bright red and he seemed anxious by the way his eyes looked down and his hand getting more and more sweaty.

"Do you really think I'm like a star?" I asked him after minutes of silence.

"Of course." He said still looking away, his face even brighter red.

"How?" I asked looking at the guests that were eating the cupcakes.

"You're bright and beautiful."He mumbled looking me directly in the eyes. I look up at him, trying to fight the urge to kiss him.

"You're a star, too" I told him.

I slowly made my way up to his face and kissed his cheek. It felt like I didn't have control over myself, like I couldn't stop. His face was burning hot and he smelt like cupcakes-we made them together- and he didn't taste like anything.

I slowly unintended out fingers,leaving my hand lonely and wanting to be held again. It burned from his touch. I didn't dare look in his eyes all he rest of the party, I felt like I wanted to kiss him again.

I feel myself falling down a dark hole of love. I never wanted to go down it, I didn't want it to spit me out or destroy all my happiness. No, this can't be happening, especially Gilbert. I shouldn't like him, yet I wanted to like him and I wanted him to like me.

It felt like my emotions are colliding.

Love vs Fear.

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