Chapter 11

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(Monica's Pov) *2 weeks later'

I sat outside of Annabelle's in a small, white cushion, chair. The day was sad and gloomy, the rain clouds covered the grey sky and I knew it was going to rain. Despite that, I still sat outside in the cold. People always said rain was depressing, but I always thought it was soothing and calm. The sound of rain on roofs made me feel at easy, like the whole world stop, all the stress, all the sadness, is just pouring out and it's ready the start a new.

I sipped my water and stared up at the sky and closed my eyes..I didn't get the coffee I wanted because my stomach hurts so bad, it's been like this for about a 2 weeks, but I still went to classes and study late at night. Every day I would hug the toilet bowl, pleading to myself on how agonizing it is. I barely eaten all week, only 7-up and crackers.

"Hey!" Someone greeted. I slowly brought my head down and opened my eyes. Gilbert was walking over to me with a coffee in his hand. He set it down on the glass table and slid out the chair across from mine, but he didn't sit down instead he looked up at the sky.

"It looks like it's going to rain," He said with no emotion and sat down.

"You were supposed to be here 30 minutes ago," I said, not angrily but disappointed.

"You always have that stick up your ass?" Gilbert asked, laughing. We can never have a civil conversation. I glared at him, not saying anything.

"Fine, I'm sorry," He said quickly."Anyways, do you still feel sick?"

"Yes, but it's just like a normal flu." I lied. It wasn't like a normal flu, it was probably the worse thing I've ever encountered.

"Throwing up?"



I nodded.

"Missed period?"

I blushed and sat there for a few seconds. "It was supposed to be a few days ago." I finally said.

"Then you'll take a pregnancy test." He said, nonchalantly.

"Pregnancy test?!" I asked loudly. Everyone that sat outside look at me. I just wanted to disappear.

"Yeah," Gilbert sipped his black coffee,"You have signs of pregnancy."

I stared at him, starstruck. My blue eyes were wide, as I looked at him. He wasn't looking at me, instead he was gazing at his coffee, that was now an amber colour. No, I can't be pregnant. Anything, but that. He told me there was a possibility not long ago, but I didn't think he was serious. I just started college and now I might be pregnant. When can I wake up from this agonizing nightmare?

"R-really,"I said timidly,"Don't you think it's too early?"

"You should take it in about a week." He continued to stare at his coffee.

"Don't you care!" I yelled at him. I stood up and put my hands on the glass table. It wobbled as I put my weight on it. "How can you act so nonchalant!" I yelled again. People all around us stared in awe.

"I am scared!" Gilbert shouted.

"Then act like it!"

"Well, one of us has to be calm!" He watched me. His chest moved up and down, as he tried to catch his breath. He wasn't angry, I could tell from his face, he was looking at me like he was sorry.

I looked around at everyone staring at our scene. I plopped back down in the chair and put my head on the table. I felt a raindrop hit my blonde hair. Why does this have to happen to me? My mind ached like it just ran a marathon, and my stomach has dropped to the ground.

"Monica..." Gilbert stuttered. By his voice slightly cracking, I could tell he was troubled.

"I don't know what to do," I confessed as another drop landed on my pale arm. I could hear him scoot his chair closer to me.

"You might not be pregnant," He comforted, as he grabbed my trembling hand and held it,"You'll be okay."

"But," I quacked,"Money."

"I'll help you, don't worry."


"We'll figure that out,"He squeezed my hand,"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, we're not sure you're pregnant."

I lifted me head up. It was now raining. He was looked at me sympathetic. I felt calm, something I have been craving for weeks. Gilbert made me feel calm and relaxed like the world stopped when I looked at him like nothing else is going on in the world.

We were the only people in the world when I looked at him.

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