Chapter 17

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( Monica's Pov)

*8 weeks pregnant*

Honestly, I was hoping that the pregnancy test was false, but then the doctor confirmed my pregnancy and showed me the ultasound. I didn't cry or feel angry, I felt nothing. Like, my feeling and emotions are drained and I couldn't feel them anymore. Gilbert's face was unreadable thought the whole doctor's appointment.The Doctor left for some stuff, leaving Gilbert and I in the room alone in the silence.

"This is boring,"Gilbert complained,"She's not asking me anything!" He squirmed on the exam table that he insisted on sitting on and left me with the small chair.

"She will so, stop complaining." I told him as I red my book I brought with me.

"Whatcha reading?" He annoying asked, getting off the table and walking towards me to read the book cover.

"Edgar Allen Poe?" He questioned, getting back on the table.

Dr.Fesred walked in before I could respond and sat on the stool that Gilbert spun around in and almost broke it.

"Sorry, I was busy," Dr.Fesred said,"So, Monica, your pregnancy has been confirmed?"

I nodded.

"Okay,I'll jump right into the questions." She smiled.


The appointment was long, but very educational. I'm not an expert on babies or pregnancy, so I was glad to hear some advice from a doctor on what I should and shouldn't do. I've looked on the internet for baby advice, but a doctor is a better source. Gilbert and I still haven't told anyone yet. I didn't feel ready on telling Felica or Alfred or Sakura. I already knew Alfred reaction is going to by super good or super bad. He had the tendency to scare off any guy that tries to flirt with me and I don't want him scaring away Gilbert. I also knew he really likes babies and loves dressing them up.

Gilbert and I were sitting on his couch,watching Rapunzel, which Gilbert loves a bit too much, when Francis and Antonio walked in,unannounced.

" We're back, Bitch!" They yelled in unison as they walked through the front door. They walked over to the couch and were shocked to see Gilbert and I watching movies together. A perverted smirk was on Francis' faces and Antonio smiled, but it wasn't anywhere near as creepy as Francis'.

"I see you too are getting cozy." Francis winked at Gilbert, who sat there upset that his friends walked in on our conversation which was about the pregnancy.

"You two would be cute together," Antonio cheered, "A bit surprising though."

"We were just tutoring." I told them.

"You're studying Rapunzel?" Antonio asked curiously.

"I've watched a porn like this!" Francis laughed as he sat by me.

"Will you guys just leave we were having a conversation?" Gilbert spoke as he paused to movie.

"Gilly you're being so mean," Francis pouted, he grabbed Antonio's hand and lead him out of the room,"We are still going out tonight!" He yelled before exiting.

"Now where were we?" Gilbert asked, back to his cheerful self after they left.

"How can I take care of a baby in my dorm?" I questioned, scared that I have to drop out of college.

"I think there family housing on campus." He replied, drinking some more beer.

"How much is it?"

"Not sure," He continued,"Anyways, have you told anyone about our lovechild?"

"Don't say that and no, I haven't."

"I may or may not have accidentally told my grandpa." He said.

I couldn't tell what his facial expression was, considering the lights were all off because Gilbert wanted it to be like a movie theater. I sat there, awkwardly, embarrassed that the first expression I have on his grandpa is that we had a one night stand.

"What did he say?" I said him after several minutes of silence and me trying to find out what to say.

"He didn't really say much, he just walked out." He said the last line quieter then the rest.

Oh god, his grandfather hates me. What's am I going to do? I know his parents aren't in his life, I don't know the reason, and his grandpa is the one who raised him. Now-

"He'll get over it." Gilbert said, stopping me train of thought.

"What do we do?" I asked him. It was way off subject but I couldn't help it.

"About the baby?"

"Yes, but also about us.Two people that barely know each other can't co-parent."

"Then let's get to know each other," He said, scooted closer to me and faced my way,"We can ask each other questions." He smiled and put down his beer.

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