Chapter 2

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(1 month later)
Monica's POV

"I can't believe you're going back to college!" My friend, Alfred, cheered.I decided to go back to college to pursue my dream to be a author. Me being fired really opened up my eyes that, I never liked that job. It was like hell working there. Every day I'll get up hoping i'll be sick enough not to go. Despite that, even if I was sick I'll still go for my dad. He was the one to make me be a car salesmen. He thought being an author wasn't a good paying job and thought my stories were terrible. He was a cruel and abusive men. I don't know why I wanted to work as a car salesman because of him. He died 4 year ago. That's why I left Germany and went to America, for a new start.

Alfred chewed on his hamburger rather loud, "College was so make fun! I went to parties, Had a bunch of girlfriends, was the star quarterback!"

"Shouldn't college be about studying, not parties?" I replied, chopping up some potatoes for dinner.

"Not if you're a fun person!"Alfred laughed. I glared at him because he knew I was going to study. Parties just wasn't my forte He finally noticed my annoyance and stopped laughing."Sorry," He muttered,"You're times."

"Anyway, I was meaning to ask you if you wanted to hang out with me and my friends tomorrow. We are going out drinking."

"Alfred, I'm going to college in 3 days I don't really have time to party," I said while I added the potatoes to my soup,"Besides you always make fun of me when we go to the bar."

He laughed"Yeah remember that tim-"He stopped, "I swear I wouldn't" He crumbled up his hamburger wrapper and threw it in the trash by the fridge. He lied on my couch in the living room that was connected to the kitchen. I could tell he was trying to cry, by the way he didn't blink. I walked over to me and settled his head on my shoulder. He sniffed,"Please," He whined like a child,"I'll do it for you."

I looked at the pot that I was stirring-trying to think. I mean I probably won't get much time to hang out with Alfred when I'm at college and one beer couldn't hurt. I continued to pack my things as Alfred grabbed my shirt still begging. "Please." He sobbed once more.

"Fine, "I said with a sigh."But only because we won't get to see each other that much when I'm in college." Alfred cheered and hugged me tight. " I'll pick you up tomorrow!"

"Ok, Ok now stop hugging me!" I snarled. He back off me.

"Aren't you angry." Alfred said. He really knew how to get on my nerves.

"Just stressed." I replied, turning off the stove.

"It's going to be fine." He reassured.

I grabbed the pot, set it on the counter, grabbed the ladle and separated the soup into two bowls.

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