Chapter 35

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I'm leaving for my mother who I haven't seen in years. I couldn't believe what I was thinking but I felt the need to see my dying mom.

"Do you have to go this very second?" Gilbert asked, squeezing me harder, his tears soaked my shoulder.

"Yeah." I snuggled my head more into his neck. I can't believe I can't hug him like this for so long.

"I love you." Our lips connected.

That kiss brought back a flood of memoirs. The first night we met, out first time, the plus sign, the motel, the baby bump,our first kiss,Anneliese, they all came flooding back. I never thought I'll be dating the guy I had a one night stand with, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

"I'll miss you." Gilbert said, once we stopped kissing.

"I'll call you everyday." I said.



I started to walk to the airplane. I looked back several times at Gilbert who was trying to hide his tears. I can't believe I'm doing this, i'm leaving my boyfriend for my mom who I haven't talked to in years. I can't go back now.

I slowly walked to the airplane, holding my passport and my luggage. My heart beated fast and my palms were sweaty. It was like everything was telling me to go back to his arms. All those signs I ignored as I continued to the plane.

"I love you!" Gilbert shouted.

"I love you too!" I yelled back right before a disappeared on the plane,

I love you too.


The finally!Sorry it was quite short and quick. This is the last chapter but there is going to be a sequel called Written on the Stars. It's going to more drama and fighting. Sorry for making Anneliese a stillborn, I thought it was unrealistic for a new couple to raise a baby. It took me about an hour to type that chapter, I couldn't make up my mind because I grown so attached to Anneliese, honestly.

I never thought this story would get this famous(I know it's not that famous but for me it is). Thanks everyone who's been reading it, voting it, or commenting on it! You people made me so happy! I love you all!


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