Chapter 16

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(Gilbert's Pov)

*2 weeks later*

"Opa?" I said, getting the attention of my grandfather, who sat on the living room coach, reading the newspaper. His rather long blonde hair was tied in a ponytail and he had his reading glasses on.

"Yes, Gilbert." He kept his green eyes on the newspaper like he wasn't even listening to me.

"When do you visit the doctors after you find out you're pregnant?" I asked nonchalantly, hoping he doesn't question it. I've looked up this question on Google many times, but all the answers were different, so I decided the ask a reliable source, my grandfather.

"8 weeks." He replied turning a page.

I began to walk out of the room, smiling because he didn't ask anything and I finally got the answer I've been looking for.Monica was about 2 weeks pregnant, so we'll go in 6 weeks, right? Or is she one week? Maybe even 3 weeks?

"Gilbert?" Grandpa asked. I turned around to face him.

"Why did you ask that?" He questioned as he put the newspaper down and took his glasses off. Fuck.

"Just curious." I laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of my head.

"Tell the truth." He said sternly.

"You don't believe your awesome grandson?" I asked, trying to joke around. He wasn't having any of it.

"Actually I don't, the way you're scratching your head. You do that every time you lie." Grandpa glared at me as he slowly got out of his chair.

"I do not!" I yelled at him, fighting the urge to scratch my head.

"Tell me the truth!" He started to raise his voice as he walked closer to me. Looking at me in the eye.

"One of my students is pregnant." I half-lied. It wasn't lying because one of my students is pregnant. I scratched my head on accident.

"You're lying," His eyebrows furrowed even more, if it's possible,"Tell me now!" He demanded.

"I'm telling you the truth!" I yelled back.

"No, you are not!"

"Fine, I got one of my students pregnant!" I confessed as I stomped to my room.

From my room I heard a door slam. I'm guessing that he went home. I lied on my bed, thinking what he is going to do. He was a very religions men. He wanted me to have sex after marriage, which he doesn't bring up anymore, knowing that I'm never going to do that, and he didn't want my to drink, which again is never going to happen. I guessed that I was the kid that everyone regretted. My dad, my grandfather all didn't think I was good enough.

He had other grand-kids, who all were amazing kids. Roderich was my cousin, I despise him. He stole the girl I've loved in high school and now their married with a great life, a big house and a family. Another one was Vash, who is in the military and seem to have his shit straightened out. Lilli was the youngest and the cutest. She is currently in college in Switzerland and lived with Vash.

They all were rich, successful and happy unlike me who has a job as a fucking college professor,just got a girl knocked up and an alcoholic. No wonder my dad left me.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it out and look at the contact.


"Hey Monica!" I greeted happily, whipping away some tears that managed to escape.

"I scheduled an appointment with my doctor. It's on May 2." She said.

"How many weeks pregnant are you again?" I asked.

"2 weeks ," She responded, "Gilbert, you should start keeping track of it."

"You're acting like my mother." I told her as I walked to the kitchen for some beer to numb the pain.

She sighed loudly,"Can you be there?"

"Are you sure you're pregnant with my kid?" I questioned her. She probably didn't have sex with only me in the period of time.

"I'm sure," She paused,"You're the only guy I..."


"Just come the appointment." She hanged up.

Monica was,hell, I couldn't even explain her. The way, she made me so angry and annoyed, yet she made me so happy and joyful, made me...mad. Like I couldn't explain our relationship. Is she just trying to be my friend out of likeness or is it the baby?

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