Chapter 14

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I remembered the first time meeting Alfred. It was my the first whole day in America and I got done packing in my brand new apartment, which was on the north side of Preston, Iowa. The place was small but it was enough for me and it was the only place I could afford, being only 18 and not having college education.

I looked around the apartment, happy with my work. One couch that was also a bed, a table with one chair, and a coffee table with nothing on it, were the only things I had in the house. I heard a knock on the door. I looked through the window, a middle-aged women stood there, some of her dirty blonde hair tied in a ponytail while the rest framed her round face, and her green eyes with thick eyebrows stared a her feet. I opened the door.

"Hello, I'm Miranda Kirkland, I live next door." She said like it was rehearsed several times in her head. She had a soft British accent and spoke slow and motherly. She held in her hands a pot, the food inside of it I didn't recognize.

"Here is Beef Wellington, a cuisine from England, where I'm from," She put it in my arms,"It's a gift from my family to you." She said.

"Thank you, I'm Monica." I stuck my hand out, trying to balance the pot with the other.

"We also would like you to join us for dinner tonight. 5:00," Miranda said,"My nephew can show you around town."

"Oh, I'll like that," I told her.

"See you then."


I sat at the dinner table along with the Kirklands, who was a mother with her, I'm guessing were her three sons. One was a young boy about ten that was the most hyper kid I've met. Another was a young adult with green eyes and thick eyebrow, like two rugs were glued on his face, he always scolded his brothers. The last was a college kid with glasses and blonde hair, he didn't have the eyebrows like the rest had.

"This is Peter," She pointed the kid,"Arthur," The one with green eyes,"And my nephew, Alfred." The one with glasses,"He'll show you around after dinner."

We sat at the table and ate the food that Miranda made. I tried not to gag as I ate the soup.


"Where are you from?" Alfred asked as we walked to the park.

"Germany," I replied, wrapping me arms around myself to kept from being cold.

"You move to the land of the free!" He shouted and threw his arms in his air.

It was dark out and the only lights were the street lights, that illuminated the sidewalks. To be honest I thought Alfred was annoying, his voice was too loud and he only talked about himself.

"Which do you like better America or Germany?" He asked, as we sat on the swings, that he flew up in the air in.

"I'm not sure."

"America is better, I've been to Germany before and..." He continued.

Once I thought I had enough of Alfred, he kept visiting me every day, until I began to tolerate him. We eventually became friends.


Sorry if this chapter was random, but my friend wanted to know more about Monica and Alfred's friendship, so here it is.

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