Chapter 13

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(Gilbert's POV)

Monica and I walked aisles of the drug store searching for a pregnancy test. We stayed quiet the whole ride here. I knew she was scared and I wanted to help her, I want to take away her pain away. I was also scared, actually I was terrified. I can't raise a baby for shit and she's only in college, I'm guessing she can't either.

I found the pregnancy test boxes in the third aisle. I picked one up with my shaking hands. About ten different ones scattered the rows. How the hell do I know which is better?

"Monica," I said to the other aisle that she was in. Monica walked over to me with her face as pale as snow. "Which one do we get?" I grabbed another box and started to read the back.

"The best." She squeaked out, like a child.

In the end, the store clerk helped us pick one out and wished us luck on the test. I was currently lying on my bed, waiting for her to get done. I couldn't even think straight. Every thought was replace with, 'I might be a dad.' I wanted a child, but I didn't want one now or from a one night stand. I wiped off the sweat off my forehead and close my eyes.

"Gilbert," I quickly sat up ,"I'm waiting for the results." She said timidly. A light blush was on her cheeks and she was fiddling with her fingers, trying to avoid my gaze.

She wasn't like other girls I liked. I didn't like her like that, though. But she had the bluest eyes I've ever seen and a muscular body. Many people wouldn't call her pretty, but I thought she was so beautiful. It made my heart squeeze every time she looked at me or I thought of her. I don't like her like that, though, right?

"It's going to be okay, Monica." I stood up and walked towards her. she didn't speak.

I walked into the bathroom and saw the pregnancy test on the counter. Monica, who was right by me, covered her mouth.

Plus sign.

No, please, be wrong. I can't raise a kid, WE can't raise a kid. My jaw dropped to the floor. I could feel tears in my eyes. Don't cry, Gilbert, be awesome.I wiped the tears off my cheek before Monica saw them. I regretted everything. Getting drunk that night, bringing Monica home, not wearing a condom. Everything.

Monica wiped the tears from her eyes. She held her stomach. I could hear whispers of German from her. Why does his have the happen?

I don't know why, but I hugged Monica. She was confused, yet she didn't reject. She was stiff around my arms and didn't move a muscle as I hugged her.

"I'm sorry," I whispered in her ear. With those words, tears started the roll down my cheeks and on Monica's shoulder. She wrapped her arms around me, also crying in my chest.

"It's going to be alright," I reassured her and squeezed her tighter.

"How?" She asked through sobs.

"I'll help you the best I can," I told her.

My heart was ready to burst. I wanted to tell her all my feeling towards her. I wanted to hug her, kiss her, be with her. But I can't. Don't like someone like Monica. I couldn't help it, Her hair, her eyes, her personality drew me in even more. Like I was drowning in her essence. At first I was gasping for air but I learn to tolerate it, no, I learned to love it.

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