Chapter 20

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(Gilbert's Pov)

*9 weeks pregnant*

Knock. Knock.

I groaned as I slowly got up from the couch that I was about to fall asleep on. Who the hell could that be this early in the morning? I wiped the drool off my awesome face as I walked to the door. I opened it up to reveal my grandpa, who stood there awkwardly. I haven't talked to him since I told him about the pregnancy, which was a while ago. I knew he was probably going to rant how irresponsible I am.

"Can I come in?" He asked in his thick German accent.

"Yeah." I said as I moved out of the way. I was nervous on what he was going to tell me. But, I'm too awesome for him to yell at me.

He walked in. God, I could probably cut the tense with a knife.

"Son, I wanted you to know that I..." He drifted off. He barley has told me he loves me.That's probably where I got that I don't tell people I love them. I could be dating them for months but I could never utter those words. Sometimes I wonder if he actually loves me,"I will support you, but I have to let you know that this is going to change your life forever for better or worse. That is what you'll choice."

"Grandfather, I already know that. I've been so stressful the last few weeks." I confessed.

"To be honest,that will stay with you for a while. You can't be party or drinking like you do right know." He sat on my couch and I sat with him.

"I know, I alright got told that from Monica."

"Monica?Your girlfriend?" He asked.

"Hell no. She's the girl I impregnated."

"You aren't even dating?" His green eyes widen at the fact that the baby isn't even a love child and it's more like a fuck child.

"It was from a one night stand." I said the sentence quietly as I frowned and laugh uncomfortably.

He breath in deeply, something he does when he's about to yell at me. I scooted away from him for when he does yell I wouldn't get spit on my face and my ears wouldn't be as damaged as up close.I squinted my eyes shut out of fear.

"May I meet her?" I opened my eyes slowly. I was confused on why there was no yelling. Or maybe he yelled so much I died and went to heaven.

"Really?"I asked, with my hands cover my face. You never know if he's going to punch me in my face and break it or something.

"Yes." He said with no emotion.

"I'll talk to her about it." I told him.


(Monica's Pov)

*10 weeks pregnant*

I put on some of Felicia's concealer under my eyes because of the bags. A good night's sleep is impossible when you're pregnant and my clothes are beginning to feel like it's constricting me. My breasts have gotten even bigger and are starting to hurt my back more and more each day.

The reason I was putting on concealer was because in a half an hour I had to go out to dinner with Gilbert and his grandfather and I wanted to look good. I looked like a druggie with the big bags under my eyes and I didn't want to want that impression.

"You look great!" Felicia cheered as she jumped around excitedly.

"Really?" I asked, looking over to the mirror. I didn't look great but I didn't look bad. I wasn't a beauty queen with my short blonde hair and muscular appearance. Actually, I was far from beautiful. No one looks for a girl with short hair and abs. I didn't really matter because I didn't need a man in my life.

"You're so cute." A huge smile was on her face as she told me that.

"Thanks." I said walking over to the front door of our dorm room.

"Bye!" Felicia sang.

"It's your turn to do the dishes." I didn't wait for a response before walking out to door, but it was probably a whine.


"Hello, I have reservations for Beilschmidt." I said to the man at the front desk. Gilbert insisted on going to an Italian restaurant, which will give me terrible heartburn.

"Okay, come this way." The man grabbed a menu and started to walk to the other side of the restaurant. I could see Gilbert and I'm guessing his grandpa sitting at a booth.They both already ordered their drinks. I sat down at the booth next to Gilbert and the man set down the menu is front of me.

"I will be back shortly to take your order." He said before taking off.A bowl of one bread stick sat in the center of the table.

"Hello, I'm Monica Holzmann." I extended my arm for him to shake.

"I'm Gerhart Beilshmidt, nice meeting you." He replied in a heavy German accent. He had long blonde hair and greenish blue eyes.

"You guys are so boring." Gilbert exclaimed as he took a bite of the last remaining bread stick.

"I would like to talk about the pregnancy." He bluntly said.

"Okay." We sat sat in awkward silence and the only sound at our table was Gilbert chewing on the bread stick. Should I say something or let him say something?

"May I take your order?" The waiter said, that I didn't know was there.

"Could I have water?" I said. Water was the only beverage I could drink without getting nauseous.

He walked away without a word.

"Monica, do you have a job?" Mr.Beilschmidt asked me after the waiter left.

"Yes, at McDonald's." I said it quietly, ashamed that I work there.

"Have you went to college?"

"I'm in it right now."

I could see him shoot arrows at Gilbert with his eyes.

"Are you at least a senior?" He questioned me, trying to calm down.

"N-no, I just started 10 weeks ago." I responded trying to be confident, but failing because of my stutter.

He close his eyes and took a deep breath. I scooted closer to Gilbert, scared that Mr.Beilschmidt was going to yell, like Gilbert warned me.

"You made him angry." Gilbert laughed in my ear, quiet enough not to be noticed by Mr.Beilschmidt.

"Shut up, idiot." I whispered back which caused Gilbert to laugh out loud. Mr.Beilschmidt opened his eyes and stared at his grandson. That made Gilbert shut up.

"Monica, do you know how you're going to raise this child?" He asked as he sipped some of his lemon water.

"I'm trying to figure it out." I confessed, embarrassed for being so ignorant.

"How about parenting classes?" He asked.

To be honest, that was a good idea. I thought about it a couple of times, but didn't have the courage to ask Gilbert. We both didn't know anything thing about raising a child.

"I was thinking about that."I said. I looked over at Gilbert, who made a weird face like he didn't want to do it.

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