Chapter 3

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Alfred arrived at my house at about 8:30pm. He honked a song to get my attention. I walked outside to see his blue mustang that had a dent on its side which happened when he was singing to the music and didn't pay attention to the road. I grabbed the rusty handle on the door and opened it up. A gust of wind that smell like Axe- hit my face. I sat down and adjusted my legs so I'm not stepping on any garbage that litter his car floors. He wore an old Captain America shirt that had a stain on it, he only wore it when he had nothing else to wear, he had holey blue jeans that seen better days.

He actually looked like a person you'll see at a bar unlike me who looked like I belonged in a library with my grey sweater and black pants. I don't go to bars that often. I like to drink but not necessarily around creepy drunk perverts.

"Who's going to be there?" I asked breaking the silence.

"Arthur, Francis, Antonio, and Gilbert," Alfred replied as he sped up.

"Gilbert?" I knew all the other people but Gilbert.

"A friend of mine."He said, moving his head to the music.


Everyone was there except Gilbert. We all sat at the bar drinking our drinks. I didn't talk to them that much. They all laughed and talked while I sat drinking my beer and thinking about college. A white-haired man sat next to me.

"Gilbert!Mi amigo!" Antonio cheered already a bit drunk. So this is Gilbert? He was a tall man with light blonde hair that was almost white and he wore a smirk that showed his sharp teeth. His red eyes locked on to me.

"Who's her?" He asked no one particular.

"My friend Monica," Alfred said also a bit drunk.

"Yeah, friend.." Gilbert said sarcastically. I blushed red.

"Ooo. She's blushing."Francis laughed. Alfred was also blushing. Neither of us like each other but it was still embarrassing.

"Git! You're obsessively making them unconformable!" Arthur yelled in his British accent making everyone be quiet. He wasn't drunk yet because if he was he'll be laughing too.

I felt nervous being in the middle of Francis and Gilbert. I felt someone's eyes on me. I looked around to see Gilbert eyeing my boobs. I even wore a sweater to avoid this!I expected him to have a quick glance but he was staring and it really started to annoy me.

"Will you stop," I said in a deep voice making myself sound scarier.

"Hey! Alfred your girlfriend got big titties!" Gilbert yelled down at Alfred who was on the way end of the bar so everyone heard. I blushed once again.

"She's not my girlfriend!And don't say that!" Alfred yelled. Everyone laughed at Alfred's anger.

"Will you shut up!" I yelled and everyone became silent again.

We all sat in awkward silence."S-sorry" Gilbert whispered so only I could hear. He looked up at me. I could tell he was being sincere by the look in his eyes.Everyone I met commented on my boobs even Alfred so it didn't phase me anymore, but it was still embarrassing. I also noticed his accent, it was rough and croaky as if he had a sore throat.

"It's fine,"I whispered back "Where are you from?"

"East Germany." He whispered.I was happy that I found someone how's also German.

"I'm from West Germany."

We had a whole conversation that we whispered to one another even though everyone was loud again we still whispered. I most likely drank me weight which was terrible. I don't remember much, but I remember getting in a car.

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