Chapter 28

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(Gilbert's Pov)

*28 weeks or 7 months*

The day was the longest day of my life. It started with Alfred sending me death threats and then Francis spilled red wine on my carpet, Monica felt sick, and now my grandfather wants me to come to his house right after school which is the time when Monica and I hang out and I'd rather talk to Monica. I drove over to his house after rejecting Monica's invite to go out to eat, I really wanted to go with her.

I rang the doorbell, he immediately swung open the door. He just got off of his job as a lawyer and was still dressed in his suit.We walked into the sitting room. Fortunately, there was coffee on the coffee table, something I've been carving for since this morning. I picked up a cup and sat on the expensive couch. He sat on the other side of me.

"Gilbert,I have some news about,"He paused,"Your mother."

My head shook up from the mention of my mother. I always wanted to know more about her, her name or her personality, but I held my tongue about it.

"What about her?" I asked looking back at my cup.

"She's in the hospital." Grandpa whispered. Like it was forbidden to say that.

The words hit me like a train, hard, fast and devastating. The thought of my unknown mom in the hospital, created shivers down my spine.

"Why?" My mouth was dry and my head hurt.

"She's been hit by a car."He replied almost immediately after.

"When?How?" I asked the questions that had been in my head for a while.

"She's been brain dead since you were a toddler."

I can't believe they took the memory of my mom away from me. No pictures, no conversations, not even the word 'mom' was brought up in the house.

"Is that why I couldn't see her?" I hissed, suddenly aggressive towards my grandpa, something I never do.

"No,no her mental state isn't the best."He muttered.

"Why didn't I know!"I slammed my coffee cup on the table, causing some of the coffee to spill out. I stoop up.

"I didn't know how you'll react." He said to me, as if we were having a civil conversation.

"Where is she? What hospital?" I yelled.

"Kasper Park Hospital Center." He was calm, something he did when he regretted something.

"Name." I snarled.

"Anneliese Frost."

I started to walk out, when he grabbed my arm and pulled me back,"She can't hear or talk or look. She will do nothing."

"I don't care." I hissed.


I walked through the empty white hallways searching for room 464, searching for my mom.


I breathed in deeply, ready to be shocked by my mother's state. I slowly opened the door. A cold air hit my, causing goosebumps to formed on my arm. A small women lied on the bed with many tubes attached to her.

My mother.

I walked over to her bed. The only sound was my footsteps and the heart monitor.I sat down on the chair close to her bed where she lied. Her grey eyes stared at the wall and her face was pale and bony. She had light brown hair with grey steaks in it.

"Hello?" I greeted, half hoping for a response.


"I'm your son, Gilbert." I went on, grabbing her bony hand,"I'm 25 y-"I had to stop myself. I'm talking to my mother like she's my boss.

"I miss you." Was all I could mange to say.

"I'm going to have a baby, a daughter." I smiled at that thought,"With the most beautiful woman in the world, besides you. We aren't dating, but I hope it will happen, some day. Her birthday is soon, i'm thinking of asking her out." I whipped away my tries. Her face continued to look at the wall, like it was before.

"I love you." I whimpered.

I jolted when an elderly women walked in. Her light brown hair in a bun and her blue eyes shimmered. She stopped in her tracks to stare at me, like I was a blue.

"Excuse me?" She asked, looking at my hand that was entwined with my mom's.

"I'm sorry." I pulled my hand out of her, feeling a wave a sadness when I did.

"Who are you?"She started to walk back.

"Gilbert Beilschmidt, i'm her-"

"Gilbert!" She cried, holding her mouth. Her eyes brimming with tears. I stood up, a bit confused.

"I'm your grandmother." She cheered wrapping her hand around me.

She was warm and smelt like hot chocolate. My grandmother?She pulled away from me and held my shoulders, giving me a warm smile. Then, she looked at her daughter and frowned, she took her hands off my shoulders.

"She's been like this since you were three." Grandma frowned even more. She sat on the

edge of the bed.

"She was getting clothes for you, but then was hit by a drunk driver, she's still not awake." She murmured, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

"I have something for you!" She said, grabbing a book from the nightstand. She gave it to me.

It was a diary with the word Anneliese in the center. Scribbles surrounded the name, there was a stroller, a rattler, and a teddy bear. I opened up the first page.


Dear Diary,

I'm pregnant! Sven and I are super excited! I know i'm young, but I think me and Sven can do it together. The first time I saw the plus sigh, I jumped happily around the house. I'm not going to tell mom yet, she'll get so angry. I'm thinking of showing this diary too my child one day. I hope they treasure you, like I did.

Yours truly,Anneliese.


I turned the page to see many different English words on it like 'hi, goodbye,yes,no'.

"She always wanted to go to America, that's why I moved over here with her to fulfill her dreams." My grandma said, drying her eyes.

My mother. I finally met her after years of dreaming about her. I knew we would be close if she could talk or move or at least see. So that she knows what I look like. I love her, without knowing her. Anneliese, my mother. That name was beautiful.

My mother.


By the way, how I pronounce Anneliese is"ANN-uh-lease"

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