Chapter 18

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(Gilbert's Pov)

(Reference of Past Prucan)

I slept on slept on one couch and Monica slept on the other. The room was pinch dark even though it's morning and my half empty beer sat on the wood ground. I covered myself up with a blanket even more when I realized how cold it is. The sun sight peeked through the curtains and hit my eye, blinding me for a moment. I looked at the other couch expecting to see Monica still sleeping, but instead I saw a empty couch with a blanket neatly folded on it. Did she leave?

I emerged from the dark cold basement to the bright kitchen, which smelt delicious. I squinted my red eyes from the blinding sun, that protruded out of the window. The birds chirped songs as they flew around my backyard, eating the bird seed I put out yesterday. Wait, that smell, pancakes! I snapped open my eyes, not caring about the sun's rays anymore.

Monica stood at my stove flipping a perfectly round golden pancake,making me form water in my mouth. It make my realize how hungry I am. She didn't seem to noticed that I have awoken. I cleared my throat and her head snapped up. Her blue eyes went to their normal shape when she register that it was me.

"Good, I don't have to yell at you this time." I laughed in my groggy sleeping voice, that made me sound like I just done crack. Monica looked back at the pancake, not caring for my existence. She flipped the pancake on a plat, which was had 3 other pancakes on it.

"What, no good morning?" I asked, opening my fridge and grabbing a milf carton. I unscrewed the cap and I started to drink from it, but I was interrupted by Monica.

"You shouldn't be drinking it from the carton." She sighed like she didn't have the strength to yell.

"I always do it." I told her as I toke another swig. She stumbled to the table and sat on the chair,Her head rested on the table.

I made my way to the small pancake tower and look through them to see which is better. They all were cooked to perfection, golden colored and flawlessly round. In the end, I took them all because I couldn't decide which one was better. It was like a bunch of dogs at the pound, you can't pick just one. I sat down by Monica who's eyes and hair were the thing showing on her face.

"You okay?" I asked as I took a bite out of a pancake. They were delicious probably the best one I had since she died.

"Fine," She answered,"Just morning sickness."

"I'll cure you with my awesomeness!" I boomed.

She stuffed eyes back in her arms. Last night I found out a lot more about her, like how her favorite color is blue and how she loves dogs. She is much more interesting then I give her. Yes, she was strict but she also had a sense of humor, that she covered up with strictness. We probably talked until about twelve at night. We tried to go to bed at ten because Monica insisted it, but we just ended up talking again until midnight.

I could hear her deep breaths under her arms.

"Seriously, do you need any medication?" I questioned.

"I don't know if I can." She replied. She toke her head out of her arms. She was beautiful. I shouldn't be thinking of that right now, but I couldn't help it. Even with the bags under her eyes and her skin was almost white, she still manage to look beautiful.

"Do you need to lay on the couch?" I stood up and grabbed her arm to help her up out of the chair.

"It's fine," She began,"I can walk." She slowly walked to the couch, holding her stomach. She lied on it and I quickly put a garbage can by her just in case. I sat on the other couch, eating me pancakes.

"Why do you like pancakes so much?" She suddenly asked out of the blue.

"My ex-girlfriend made them for me when we were still together." I answered.

"Oh." She said, well, not really said.

"You jealous?" I smirked as she rolled her eyes at me.

"Why would I be?"

"Everyone is jealous of me!" I belted.

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