Chapter 39

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Jua, Zira, and Scar's chants rang through his ears.


Claws raked down his side. It ripped his skin and poured blood. He screeched in agony. It felt like it was tearing him apart then and there. He writhed in agony and tried to get out.

He dashed around blindly. "PLEASE!" He screamed through tears of pain. "PLEASE STOP! PLEASE!"

"Never! Not until you do as I command!" Jua screamed. She raked his claws down his side. The pain seared through him and seemed to tear his body apart.

"Break Kion. Break." Jua looked down at him with a twisted smile.

"I won't. I'll never listen to you," Kion growled, wiping his tears.

"Too bad... I guess this means that Fuli might be in some... danger."

"No!" Kion shouted fearfully. She CAN'T hurt Fuli! "Leave her out of this!"

"Well," Jua mused, "I thought we had a deal when you said that you'd do what I want if I took you back to her."

"I know but... I can't kill them. I can't!"

"Very well... Get ready to feel even more pain. But not just in sleep this time..."

Pain writhed through him, seeming to cut him open. He struggled in her grip as immense pain seared through him. "AHHH!" He screeched in pain. Please! Stop! Please someone make this stop! He silently pleaded.

He screamed in agony, Jua's claws seeming to rip his skin open. "PLEASE STOP! PLEASE!"


"Kion!" Fuli shouted. "Kion! Wake up!"

Kion's head shot up. He painted heavily and his eyes were wild. His head swerved around, obviously either confused or scared.

"Kion, Kion, woah there. You okay?" Fuli asked. She knew something was wrong... but what?

"Yeah Fuli. I'm okay." He gave her a small smile. However, this barely put her worries to rest. He then got to his paws and shook his mane. "Gotta go to Nirmala for another healing session," he said almost too quickly. "See ya later." He quickly turned and bounded towards the Tree of Life.

Fuli sighed. It was like he wanted to get away from her. Like he was... afraid of something.

Fuli sighed. He wasn't here now so there was nothing she could do about it then. She decided to go find her friends. Hanging out with them would be a good way to pass the time.


Kion arrived at the Tree of Life. There was Nirmala. 

"Hello Kion," she greeted him. "Seems you are ready for another session of healing?"

"Yes Nirmala," he replied, dipping his head slightly in respect for the healer.

"Okay then- And no need for that," she told him, obviously referring to him dipping his head. "Now come on, let's go."


"So... what are we supposed to use this for?" Kion asked Nirmala, looking at the mud puddles in front of them.

"Simple," Nirmala told him simply. She gingerly dipped her paw into the mud. She grabbed some and gently applied some to Kion's face, near his scar. Kion was partly shocked. "This will help treat the venom and make it less painful," Nirmala explained.

"Okay," Kion sighed. He grabbed some mud with his paw and started to put it on his face. Another boring thing to do...

"Boring, you're thinking?" Nirmala implied. Kion looked away. He would've said yes in another situation, but this was Nirmala, the animal who would heal his scar. Heal his suffering. If it was anyone he'd better treat highly, it's her.

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