Chapter 1

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Fuli walked through the Pride Lands, not far from Pride Rock, she knew today would be an eventful day. Earlier that day, Simba, the King of the Pride Lands and also Kion's father, told him and the Lion Guard to take the fight with Scar into the Outlands. Kion had assigned the Guard to gather the animals of the Pride Lands to Pride Rock to fight in the upcoming battle, she was going to gather the crocs and antelopes, Beshte was going to gather the elephants and rhinos, Anna and Ono were going to gather to birds, and Bunga...well Bunga was going to get the galagos.

Fuli walked over to the lake where the crocodiles resided. "Makuu!" She shouted. 

"What is it?" Came an arrogant reply. 

Typical Makuu, she thought to herself. She then rolled her eyes and spoke; "We're going to invade the Outlands with all the Pride Landers help. We need the crocodiles to participate in the attack."

"Alright, fine." Makuu replied arrogantly, then he shouted. "Float! The Pride Lands needs us to participate in an attack on the Outlands!" Makuu's float obediently got out of the water and followed Fuli to Pride Rock.

When they got to Pride Rock Fuli saw that the rest of the Lion Guard had gathered all of the animals, they were all training for the battle.

"Alright crocs, you know the drill." Fuli said. The 'drill' meant battle training for defense on the Outlander attacks. But this time, it was the Pride Landers attacking. She then lied down at the foot of a hill, it had been a long day for her. Then, she heard something, it was Kion walking nearby, oblivious to her presence. He was so nearby that she could hear very faint singing.
Is this my last night
Before the biggest day of my life
Can one more big fight
Put an end to all this strife
Will we finally end this war
Who can know for sure
Fuli felt a pang of guilt at his words, he had became thrust into a war at such a young age, and he grew up like that. Sometimes, it seemed he forgot what it was like to have fun - he was always surprised when the Guard offered him a day off occasionally. He had carried the guilt of accidentally summoning Scar back all this time. He'd also sometimes have nightmares about Scar destroying the Pride Lands and... himself and his family. Fuli walked near him, him still being oblivious to her presence. She started to sing.
There goes my worried friend
Taking time to think on his own
But when he must defend
He won't be alone
I'll be there by his side
Go with him stride by stride
She then saw Beshte and Bunga standing nearby, they then joined in.
So bring it on tomorrow
When the Pride Lands unite
We're going in to battle
With bravery
And might
We'll always do what's right
We'll stand as one and fight
With the end almost in sight
On the last night
Fuli then saw Ono fly by, scouting the area. He then, also started to sing.
Everything looks safe and sound
But I want to be sure
One more fly around
Will help reassure
The skies all seem clear
No sign of danger here
Fuli then heard Kion start to sing again.
Yeah, I know everything's in place
Still those doubt's make my thoughts race
Need someone to put my mind at rest
Before I take this final test
The Guard joined up at the top of the hill.
So bring it on tomorrow
When the Pride Lands unite
We're going into battle
With bravery and might
We'll always do what's right
We'll stand as one and fight
With the end almost in sight
Fuli glanced a reassuring look at Kion, reminding him he won't be alone.
On the last night
Kion finished, then the Guard all walked away to continue training for the battle. Fuli cast once last glance at the team, then walked away to continue battle training with the Pride Landers. She knew that, no matter what, Scar will be defeated. As a very wise animal once told her; 'Good always prevails over evil, in time.' Scar will be defeated, and she would make sure of that.

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