Chapter 32

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Fuli sighed from the other end of the cave. Why does Kion keep pushing me away...? I only want to help him... She heard sniffling from the other side of the cave. She looked around and saw Kion with his head buried in his front paws. He was still trembling and shaking. He lifted his paw and pawed at his scar. He pawed at it more. Fuli noticed it started to bleed. Kion pawed at it even more. Doesn't he realize that by constantly pawing at it he's gonna make it worse?

Fuli slowly walked over to him. "You're only making it worse by pawing at it like that." Kion looked at her for a moment then turned away, his paw still on his eye. Fuli's ears flattened.

"L-leave me alone," Kion finally choked out. Those words stabbed hurt into her heart. He didn't want her here. He didn't want her beside him. She was about to walk back to the other side of the cave but a cry stopped her. It was Kion. She whipped back around and saw Kion on the ground, wailing in pain. He dug his claws into his scar, screaming. This woke up the rest of the Guard who all quickly rushed over to Kion, panicking and asking what was happening to him, while also alarming Makini who was already awake.

Something's wrong... Something's terribly wrong.

"Zuka Zama!" Bunga exclaimed in fright. "What's going on?!"

"That's what I wanna know!" Fuli shouted fearfully in reply. She turned to face Makini. "What's going on with him?!" She demanded. Makini shook her head. "I don't know! I don't know!" It was visibly clear that she was beginning to panic, moving her arms around in fright while trying to examine Kion. However, she couldn't. Kion was thrashing and kicking like crazy while digging his claws into his scar. "AHHHHHHH!" He screamed.

Makini tried to do something, anything! But she couldn't due to Kion's thrashing and clawing.

"Stop!" Fuli cried. "Let Makini help you!" Kion looked up at Fuli. His breaths were labored and he dug his claws into the ground.

"No!" He cried. "Stop it!"

He quickly got to his paws and darted out of the den. He screamed wildly as he did. "HELP ME! SOMEONE! ANYONE!"

Fuli's heart raced faster. "Guys, let's go! We have to find him!" The Lion Guard obeyed and they all raced out of the den, following Kion's crazy sounding screams.

"Guys, split up!" She ordered the Guard. "He could run in any direction!" The Guard obeyed once more and all ran in different directions.

Fuli continued to run straight, following the sound of Kion's voice. "Kion!" She shouted. "Kion! Where are you?!"




"Kion, where are you?! Answer me, please!"

She gasped when she found him, screaming wildly. "HELP ME! STOP IT! PLEASE STOP!" She saw him standing on the edge of a cliff. Her eyes widened. She rushed over to him. "No!"

Kion looked back at her. His eyes widened in shock and his gaze filled with emotion. She nuzzled him as tears fell from his eyes.

"No... no Kion..." Please tell me he hasn't come to this... I can't lose him... to himself... She stroked his neck and back, trying to calm him down.

"Kion..." She murmured softly. "Talk to me... please."

"F-Fuli," he choked out, his voice breaking. "I can't live like this anymore.."

"No, no, Kion don't say that...!"

Kion's legs suddenly buckled -likely due to exhaustion- and he then collapsed on the ground. He sobbed heavily as Fuli tried to comfort him.

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