Chapter 55

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Kion ran as fast as his legs could take him. He had left the others behind long ago, not knowing whether they were following him or decided to get the Night Pride for help.. because he never looked back. It had started to rain heavily. Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed, though that didn't stop Kion. Mud and muck from the pouring rain covered his paws and the ground beneath him, but that still didn't stop him. 

It was dangerous in a storm like this!  Who knew what could happen to Fuli? He was puzzled at the fact she was still running fast after all this time. Wouldn't she be tired by then? She normally wouldn't force herself to continue running this fast for this long unless it was really important.

"Fuli!" He called out. "Fuli! Fuli, come back!" 

"Leave me alone!" She cried, putting on more speed.

He wouldn't give up that easily. He was going to find out what was wrong and help fix it. He kept running. He jumped over logs, swerved around rocks, dashed through streams, and more. He ran as fast as he possibly could. Strong winds blew against him, stinging his eyes. He kept them half-closed, but that action made running through the storm even more dangerous.

Kion ran down a big hill, not bothering to look where he was going. Suddenly, he felt his paws slip on the mud. He fell mostly on his stomach, his leg curving the wrong way under it. He let out a yelp as pain seared through his leg.

He tried to see if he could get up, but pain shot up his leg and down his spine. He collapsed back on his stomach again and more pain throbbed in his leg again under the impact. It felt horrible.

He had to get up! He couldn't stay out injured in a storm like this! And he had to find Fuli!

Thunder rumbled loudly behind him, making him flinch. Out of the corner of his vision, he saw light flash behind him. He instinctively looked back and when he did, he wished he didn't.

Behind him he saw a mudslide from up top the hill... heading straight towards him. 

He tried to get up, but the same painful reaction came from his body and he couldn't.

"Help!" He cried. "Someone help!"

He continued calling for help for who knew how long. The mudslide got closer and closer. It finally reached him and started to sweep over him. It got into his ears - if someone was calling for him, he wouldn't be able to hear it. His lungs burned as he was practically choked by the mud. 

He let out the loudest cry of all before he couldn't anymore; "SOMEONE HELP!"

It filled his mouth and nostrils. Eventually he squeezed his eyes shut to prevent the mud and debris from getting into his eyes, though some did anyway.

Then after not long, he was engulfed by blackness.



The cry made Fuli stop in her tracks. Kion! Oh no... what happened now?! "Kion!" She called out, immediately turning and running in the other direction. "Kion! Kion!"

She ran and ran back the way she came in the direction of the cry. "Kion! Kion where are you?!" She ran back over logs, swerved around rocks, dashed through streams, and more. She ran as fast as she possibly could. Strong winds blew against her that time. It stung her eyes and felt unpleasant unlike the feeling of the winds pushing her forward and strengthening her when she was running away.

She ran into a clearing with hills. "KION!" Then, something made her stop in her tracks. 

A golden furred paw stuck out of what looked like to be a former mudslide.

She dashed over to him like the wind. "KION! NO!" She grabbed his paw in her teeth and tried to pull him out, but failed no matter how hard she tried. It was no use. She climbed up top some of the mud near Kion and started digging. She hated mud but did that stop her? No. She couldn't even think about the unpleasantness of mud at that moment. All she was focused on was getting Kion out.

She slowly uncovered his motionless body as she dug. She eventually reached she point where she could grab his scruff and pull him out. Once she did, she looked at his motionless body in horror. One moment you were chasing after me.. trying to see if I was okay and another you're... Oh.. I shouldn't have left you out in a storm like this...

Before she could do anything, his body suddenly jerked in a spasm, tensing and gagging up mud. He opened his eyes and looked up at her. "Fuli? Is that you?"

"Yes Kion, it's me," Fuli sighed in relief. She laid down next to him and nuzzled him. "I'm so so sorry."

"Sorry for what?" Kion let out a weak cough and tried to lift his head, though decided it wasn't worth the effort and rested it back down.

"I left you to chase after me in a storm like this," Fuli sobbed. "You could have died!"

"No Fuli. Don't blame yourself, it's-" 

His body suddenly jerked in multiple spasms, gagging up more mud. Fuli could only watch in horror and tears pricked her eyes. I'm so sorry, Kion. My fear got you hurt... I got you hurt... My fear... my horror of the truth coming out caused this.

"Lets get you back to Queen Ja-" Fuli cut herself off. No, Queen Janna is dead. She quickly cleared her throat and recomposed herself, silently praying to the Bright Stars Above the Savanna that Kion didn't notice her slip up. "Lets see if Nirmala or Makini can help."

"Okay Fuli." 

Phew, he didn't notice, Fuli couldn't help but think. "Now get on me." She raised her legs a little more to support herself and Kion when he got onto her.

It was very clear Kion was trying to lift himself up onto Fuli, but couldn't no matter how hard he tried. "Fuli... I..."

"Try harder," Fuli couldn't help but order. "Just lift yourself up a little, then I'll slide under you."

Kion tried as hard as he could. His muscles strained, but eventually he got just high enough for Fuli to slide under him and lift them both up.

"Now lets go." Fuli began to walk, her walking being slower and harder due to the weight being doubled.

They soon arrived at the Tree of Life. "Nirmala! Makini!" Fuli called out.

Nirmala walked out of the Tree of Life. Shock was instantly seen on her face once she caught sight of Kion laying almost motionless on Fuli's back. "Oh my goodness!" She gasped. "What happened?!"

Fuli's pelt burned with shame. "It's my fault. I left him out in the storm alone... it all started when... when..." She couldn't bear to meet Nirmala's sky blue gaze as she looked down at her paws shamefully.

Nirmala offered her a sympathetic glance. "We can talk about it later," the lioness promised. "But for now, we have to help Kion."

"Of course."

So Nirmala got to treating Kion. He was weak, but for the most part fine. He recovered quickly over the next few days and was back to normal, though Fuli was still ashamed.

One thought rang through her head during those days; My fear got someone hurt.

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