Chapter 59

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Fuli began to walk out of the cave with Kion, helping support him. Memories of what Mwepesi did to him flooded through her mind. It was very scary seeing that happen to her friend. She had to admit she was actually glad he was more or less not fully aware of his surroundings, almost unconscious, so he didn't have to fully experience the thing Mwepesi did.

She pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind. She couldn't think about that now, she knew as the sunshine shone on her pelt as she and Kion walked out of the cave. She had to focus on getting herself and Kion to safety.

"And where are you going?"

A wave of shock struck through Fuli.

There she was, face to face with Mwepesi.

"I recall giving you very specific orders to not set paw out of this cave, don't you remember?" Mwepesi hissed, getting in her face. His icy stare struck through her soul. "Now you must face.... punishment."

Ugh, what were we THINKING?! We can't just march out of the cave and expect Swift's Clan to let us go! It must have been the shock of everything happening that caused them to not think straight, because why else wouldn't they? They were a smart pair of felines and Fuli couldn't understand how they had been so foolish!

"Leave her alone!" Kion growled, glaring at Mwepesi.

"YOU DARE GET IN MY FACE YOU LITTLE *****?!" Mwepesi raised his claws, but before he could strike him, Kion tackled Mwepesi.


"I wasn't threatening her with the punishment," Mwepesi cackled with an evil smirk, his eyes lit with rage. "I was threatening you. SWIFT'S CLAN, NOW!"

"NO!" Fuli screamed, but her paws were rooted to the ground. She couldn't move. If she did anything, he would be punished harder.

Hours later, a beaten and bruised Kion was dragged back to the cave.


"I still don't feel so good..." Kion mumbled, fixing his gaze on the tiny scrap of meat in front of him.

"I know but you have to eat it. Mwepesi only lets you get this much food once every two weeks, so please make use of it."

"Can't. You have it."

"I get plenty of food every day. You don't," Fuli told him sternly. "Eat. Now."

"You know what happens nearly every time I eat," Kion croaked.

Fuli knew. "Try." She leaned closer to his ear, dropping her voice to a whisper. "You'll need your strength for when we try to escape."

"FULI! TRAINING! NOW!" A strained and intimidating voice called.

Fuli sighed. "I have to go to royal training again... I'll see you soon." She pushed a bowl of water Mwepesi gave her to him. "Drink up, you need hydration."

"I'll try," he rasped. He looked up at her, his eyes giving off a familiar warm glow. "May you have good hunting." He lifted himself up by his front paws and gave her a tender lick on the cheek. "We can go on a guarded walk when you get back if you want. It'll be just like how you lived back home, almost..."

"I'd love to, but you have to rest." She gave him a tender smile.

"I won't push myself too hard again, I promise."

"We'll see." She lowered her voice more. "Besides, you gotta rest if we're gonna have enough strength to escape if we can."

"We'll find a way. We always do. You always said that," he reminded her.

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