Chapter 34

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I won't break, I won't break, Kion told himself. I can't break.

Pain seared through him as Scar raked his claws down Kion's side. Jua and Zira cackled as they watched. "What an entertaining thing to watch, don't you think, Jua?"

"Oh yes, agreed."

"Join us..." Scar whispered into Kion's ear. "All your pain, all your suffering will be over."

Kion raised his gaze to meet Scar's. "Never," he hissed.

"Very well. Time for more torture."

The scene switched. He was back in the Pride Lands standing on Pride Rock. He saw everything was barren, dead bodies lying everywhere. But worst of all, he saw his family. He ran down to them.

They were lying in pools of their own blood as it soaked the ground. "How could you do this to us?!" Simba screamed. Kion backed away. He saw that Simba was trying not to sob. "My son... I can't believe it." He raised his gaze to meet Kion's. "I can't believe you."

"Why did you do this to us?" Kiara asked him through tears. "We're your family! Your kin! How could you betray us like this?!" She shouted. "I used to love you! And I thought you loved me back."

When he rushed over to them, he saw them all sobbing. Fuli looked at him from where she laid on the barren ground. "Why did you do this?" The cheetah asked him softly. Her gaze then hardened. "Do you have any idea how much pain, how much heartbreak, how much sorrow I went through for you?!"

A huge wave of guilt washed over him. "I-I'm so sorry Fuli," Kion stuttered. He ran away from the Guard as fast as he could. He then tripped over something. When he got back up, he was horrified. It was his mother splayed splayed out on the ground. She didn't make a single movement. She wasn't even breathing. She had a deep gash in her throat. NO! "M-Mom?" He asked, hoping for an answer even though he knew that she wouldn't reply back.

"This is all truth, Kion." Scar told him. "You cannot escape it." "No Scar! This isn't true! It can't be true!"

"Oh but it can, and it is," Scar replied slyly. "Just you wait. You have the Mark of Evil just like me Kion. Your tears of blood destroyed them!" Suddenly Kion felt a burning pain in his scar, worse than any he had ever felt before. Scar then started running towards Kion, claws unsheathed. Kion tried to run, but Scar was too fast. Scar pinned him down. Kion heart was pounding out of his chest.

Scar started slashing him. Scar slashed him on his face, back, underbelly, legs, paws, everywhere. Kion screamed in pain. Tears rolled down his cheeks. Blood poured onto the ground. Kion tried to defend himself, but he couldn't move. Scar raked his claws across Kion's underbelly. The young lion screeched in pain.

"Please! Stop!" He screamed. Scar grinned evilly, he was clearly enjoying this. Kion dug his claws into the ground, grunting and wincing in pain. Tears of pain poured onto the ground, but they were not normal tears. They were blood. Tears of blood pooling out onto the ground. Scar put his claws on Kion's throat.

"Yes, it's very enjoyable to watch the Prince of the Pride Lands beg for mercy," Scar cackled. "Even though he knows perfectly well that he won't get any."

Kion screamed in terror. He painted heavily, trying to calm himself. Just a dream... Just a dream. Another dream...

"Kion?" Came a voice from behind him. It was Fuli.

"Y-yeah?" He asked shakily.

Fuli didn't reply. She sat beside him. Neither of them said a word. Fuli rested her paw on his shoulder. Kion glanced at her and sighed. She sighed too. She looked as if she had many things to say, but didn't utter a word.

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