Chapter 4

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Kion walked up the snowy mountain to find the next Mojo Kwa Mojo stone. It had taken them quite a while to get from the mountain with two peaks to the snowy mountain, especially with Kion's broken leg slowing them down. His broken leg had finally healed after all that time, though it had healed faster than expected, probably due to Fuli always keeping an eye on him to make sure he didn't overwork himself. She made sure he got a good amount of food and water each day. We would have gotten here a lot quicker if Fuli wasn't constantly taking care of me like that, Kion thought, annoyed. Though deep down, even though he didn't quite know it himself, Kion was grateful that someone cared so much about him.

"Careful everybody." He warned the rest of the Guard. "It gets really steep up here." The Guard were currently climbing the snowy mountain. The wind blew in their faces obstructing their view. It was cold and uncomfortable. Kion wished he was back in Pride Rock with his family. Must keep going. Kion told himself determinedly. Must keep going.

"I don't remember having to... climb a mountain the first time I went to... the Tree of Life." Makini said while grunting and struggling to walk through the snow.

"Perhaps that's because the map in the Lair showed the path going around the mountain," Ono told her.

"But going over the mountain should be quicker." Kion told them. Logic, guys.

"Sure," Anga replied sassily. "If you can make it."

"We're the Lion Guard." Kion told her determinedly. "One mountain isn't going to get in our..." Kion slipped on the snow and started sliding down the mountain. "Way." He finished quietly. He tried to react, to bring out his claws to catch himself, but then he got hit with a pain in his scar. He tried to react, but he couldn't.
"Kion!" Fuli gasped. "I got ya. Zuka Zama!" Bunga said then leaped to catch Kion. However Kion bumped into him and sent them both sliding down the mountain. "I take it back!" Bunga exclaimed. "You got me!" Kion looked behind him and saw Fuli. Before she could leap out of the way Kion and Bunga crashed into her, sending her sliding down the mountain with them. Then they all crashed into Beshte, Makini, and Ono, sending Makini and Beshte sliding down the mountain with them. Ono was sent flying but was luckily caught by Anga. Kion heard Ono say something to Anga, and she replied back, but Kion couldn't tell what it was.

The Guard continued sliding down the mountain, they came over a bump and went airborne for a second. They saw a cliff ahead of them. Luckily Beshte used his strength to stop them from falling off. "Twende Kiboko!" He shouted. The Guard landed in an awkward position, with Makini leaning against Beshte, who was also sitting on top of Kion who landed on top of Fuli. And Bunga was- Wait, where's Bunga? Makini got off of Kion, who got off of Fuli. Just then, Anga landed back on the ground carrying Ono. And Bunga burst out of a pile of snow next to them. "Hoo-hoo-ha!" He exclaimed. "That was fun!"

"Good job Beshte," Kion told the hippo. "Now let's try that again."

"Kion?" Fuli asked him. "Maybe was really should just go around the mountain?" What? Does she really think we're going to just slip down the mountain again? That time was just bad luck.

"It'd take too long," Kion told her. The faster way to get to the Tree of Life is the better way. Your the Fastest, Fuli! You should know that! Kion suddenly got hit with another pain in his scar. He quickly put his paw up to it.

"I'm the leader of the Lion Guard and I say we go this way!" Kion told her dominantly.

"Kion, are you okay?" Fuli asked him gently. Ugh! Not this again.

"I'm fine." He responded calmly, "I just wanna get to the Tree of Life as fast as we can." Then he heard Makini exclaim. "Oh! Maybe they know a shortcut." She then used her bakora staff to point to a family of monkeys relaxing in a hot spring nearby.

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