Chapter 50

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Fuli turned to face Kion and shifted closer to him. "I'm sorry for snapping. It's just... it's a lot to handle."

Kion nodded in understanding, pressing a paw to his stomach that was wrapped up with leaves and vines. "I know. I remember everything that happened. If there's any way..." He then looked nervous and fidgeted with his paws. "Um..."

Fuli caught on. "I know, you forgot your thought."

Kion nodded. "Sorry..."

"No, no, it's fine," Fuli tried to reassure him. "It isn't your fault."

"Yes it is!" Kion protested. "If I hadn't... UGH!" He looked frustrated. "Stupid stupid brain," he growled under his breath. "Why won't it... um... ugh!?"

"Well... the fall from the cliff," Fuli began.

"Ugh, this is my fault! It's all my... um..."

"Kion, maybe you should rest. It might help your brain work a bit better."

"Yeah, okay." Kion laid his head down and yelped. "My stomach hurts. A lot."

"Looks like the pain relieving herbs are wearing off," Nirmala commented.

"Oh no..." Fuli looked at Nirmala, feeling pain in her leg as she turned her head. "You think it'll go away?"

"Hopefully. We can only wait."

Seconds turned to minutes, Kion's pain only got worse. He scrunched his eyes shut and whined.

"Hello? What's going on?" A voice sounded from behind them.

"Guys, you're awake!" Fuli sighed in relief. It was the rest of the Lion Guard and the Night Pride beginning to wake.

"Sure am!" Bunga said, trying to jump to his feet but failing. "What'd I miss?"

"AGHHHHHHHH!" Kion's ear splitting scream rang through Fuli's ears, alarming the Guard and Night Pride. The cheetah turned back to face the lion and gasped. His stomach was bleeding out onto the ground.

"It's okay... it's okay.... I'm here... I'm here..." Fuli grabbed Kion's paw and he squeezed it tight. She hardly paid attention to the throbbing pain in her own leg. "Help him!"

"What's going on?! What happened?!" The Lion Guard and Night Pride asked fearfully, somehow in union. 

"A lot," Fuli replied quickly. "We-"

"AGHH." Kion gritted his teeth. He held Fuli's paw tighter.

"Is there any way we can help?!" Makini asked urgently.

"Yes. Go find some yarrow. It's in the fields near the Tree!" Nirmala shouted.

"On it!" Makini ran out, Anga following. They sure have regained their strength fast.

The rest of the Lion Guard rushed over to Kion, murmuring words of comfort to him. "It's okay Kion." "Don't worry... it'll all be okay." "Just hang in there."

Fuli's leg throbbed. She ignored it. The cheetah put her head over Kion's neck. She touched her nose to his forehead in a comforting manner. Suddenly, it began to glow.


She heard whispers in her ear; "Heal... heal now... use the powers... let this young one heal..."

It sounded like... Queen Janna? She looked back, but the elderly queen was still passed out.

"What?" She quietly questioned out loud.

"Use the powers... Touch your muzzle to his head like you have done before. Tell him all will be alright, for you will heal him."

What?! That doesn't make sense... How can I heal him? Oh right... the powers that I used to feel what he was feeling! Can they be used for healing too?... I should give it a shot. If I don't... I could lose him. She decided she'd give it a shot. She had everything to lose at this moment. Her friend... her love...

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