Chapter 35

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Kion walked alongside the rest of the Lion Guard as they headed in the direction of the Tree of Life. He never thought he'd see this moment, when they finally arrived. 

"Is this real?" Kion asked as he gazed at the Tree. Barely a few more pawsteps and they'd be there. "Am I dreaming?"

Fuli purred in amusement as she walked beside him. "You're not dreaming, silly." She gave him a playful shove.

Once they got closer, they saw how big the Tree was. "Poa! The Tree of Life is huge," Beshte said in amazement.

"Yes, it is. Now follow me." Rani looked back at them, then walked into a hole in the Tree that led into a cavern-like space.

Kion gazed at the inside of the Tree. The walls glowed with green mushrooms. "Heyvi kabisa," he said in wonder.

They then stopped at a rock with an elderly lioness resting on it. She blinked open her eyes and raised her head. She smiled at them. Her emerald gaze was warm, welcoming, and filled with wisdom. 

Fuli mentally gasped. This was the lioness from her dream!

Rani approached her. "Grandmother, as requested, I've brought Kion and the Lion Guard." She then turned to the Lion Guard. "Lion Guard, this is Queen Janna, Guardian of the Tree of Life."

Janna smiled at them. "Be welcome here."

The Lion Guard all bowed. "Thank you, You're Majesty. My friend Ono and I have come to be healed," Kion said.

"Step closer, Kion and Ono," Janna told them with an encouraging smile. "You have the Mark of the Guard," the queen observed. "You are from the Pride Lands then?"

"Uh, yeah," Kion said.

"Indeed," agreed Ono.

"And so, the Roar has returned," Janna said, a smile still on her face.

"You know about the Roar?" Kion asked curiously

"Of course, Kion. I take it that Rafiki sent you here?"

"Yes," Kion replied, shocked that the Queen knew so much while also wondering how. "Ono's eyes are hurt. And my scar..." Kion hesitated but didn't trail off, "I can't control the Roar."

"So. I have heard," Janna remarked. "Nirmala?" The adult lioness stepped forward. Nirmala gazed at Kion's scar. He noticed she had blue eyes and wore a flower behind her ear. She then looked closely at Ono's eyes. "Nirmala is a fierce warrior. But she is also a gentle healer," Janna told them calmly.

Nirmala walked to Janna and hopped up onto the rock where the old queen was resting. She whispered something into the queen's ear then they both looked at Kion and Ono.

"Ono, healing your sight will be simple. But the remedy will take a few days to prepare," Janna informed the egret.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Ono thanked her eagerly.

Janna then looked at Kion. "Kion? Your ailements are more complicated. It is more than just a scar." His ears slightly flattened. "Your healing will take time. And patience."

"Then I'd like to start right away," he said.

"I'm sure you would. Nirmala?" Kion looked in the corner of his vision. He saw that Fuli's eyes stretched wide. She seemed like she was forcing a smile... in order to disguise something.

"We'll begin today," Nirmala told him.

"Thank you, You're Majesty." He dipped his head in acknowledgement to the queen.

"This way, Kion." Nirmala hopped off the rock and walked out of the Tree of Life. Kion followed.

Once they were out of the Tree, Kion spoke; "So, where are we going?"

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