Chapter 22

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Fuli walked through unfamiliar territory along with the rest of the Lion Guard on the journey to the Tree of Life. She was very tired and it felt as if her paws would fall from all that walking. It didn't help that the small stones and rocks that they were walking on were fairly sharp. The rest of the Guard didn't look any better though. However, Kion looked even worse. His paws were swollen and scabbed, his fur and mane were dirty and tangled due to lack of maintenance, and his eyes were so cloudy you'd think he was blind. Fuli's concern for him grew with each passing day, more than she was ever concerned for any of her friends -including the near-blinded Ono- but she didn't quite know why. Am I... interspecies? Fuli didn't want to think about it. She tried to reassure herself by telling herself that she cares about all of her friends, but Kion was different. I care about him as a close friend, Fuli kept telling herself. Nothing more.

She saw Kion start to paw at his scar, grunting. Fuli watched with pity. She quickened her pace to match his. "Kion, are you okay?" She asked even though she knew the answer.

"I'm fine Fuli," he told her through a growl. He growled again, but Fuli realized he wasn't growling at her. He dug his claws into the ground, grunting. It's his scar, isn't it? His labored breathing alarmed her. Suddenly, without warning, he collapsed. Fuli, being very fast and having good reflexes, rushed over to him and grabbed him by his scruff. It wouldn't be very helpful to Kion by falling and scraping himself on the sharp rocks. At first she didn't realize the weight of a growing male lion and she almost fell down too. Luckily she didn't.

"Why did you do that?!" Kion asked her once he steadied his footing. The arrogance and annoyance was clear in his voice. Oh I don't know. She thought sarcastically. Saving you from getting hurt. Fuli let go of his scruff. "I didn't think it would be helpful for you to fall and get scraped up by the rocks. You're already struggling," she said, maintaining her temper. She had already learned that she should stay calm with Kion whenever his scar was bothering him, because he wasn't able think clearly and didn't quite understand his actions. Kion rolled his eyes. "I already told you I'm fine."

"No you're not! You literally just collapsed!" Fuli told him. Kion rolled his eyes and continued on with the Guard who didn't seem to notice the situation. Fuli stared after him in defeat. When will he listen? Fuli asked herself. Not today I guess... 

Fuli reluctantly continued walking with the rest of the Guard, hoping they would get to the Tree of Life soon. Kion needs healing. And he needs it now. She sighed then continued walking with the rest of the Guard. Oh Kion... 

"C'mon guys, we've gotta keep going," Kion told them. The Guard had disappointed looks on their faces. Fuli knew why. They were all tired and hungry.

"C'mon Kion, they need a rest," Fuli told him. "We all do," she added, eyeing him. Kion looked at his pelt. He looked surprised when he saw it. It was messy and his fur was in clumps. Some of his ribs were visible too.

"Huh, okay... We can rest. Over there." He motioned to a thicket, hidden by large bushes. Fuli nodded in agreement. Finally!

They walked over to the thicket and settled inside. Surprisingly, Beshte fit in the thicket too. Kion finally started to groom himself. He looked disgusted at the mess that clung to his fur. When he was finally done, he settled down to sleep. Fuli did too. 

A little while passed. Fuli woke up to a noise. She saw Kion pawing at his scar. "Makini," she whispered. Makini, who was laying next to her, woke up. Fuli looked at her and motioned to Kion who was pawing at his scar again. Makini shook her head. "We ran out of Tuliza yesterday," she informed Fuli. "I asked Anga to look for some earlier, but she couldn't find any. I can go out and try to find some, if you want." Fuli shook her head. "One: You need rest too, and two: It's not like you'll find anything in the dark." Makini looked reluctant but laid back down and quickly fell asleep. Fuli sighed and looked back at Kion. Another long night for him... 

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