Chapter 62

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Fuli's eyes snapped open out of her vision and she staggered to her paws.

"Kion!" She shouted when she saw he was still in a seizure, his body shaking and trembling.

She felt anger rise inside her, a need to let that anger out. However, the anger didn't feel like hers.

Get out of my head, Jua! Her thoughts snarled.

"Kion, wake up!" Fuli continued shaking his body with her forepaws.

Eventually, the seizure slowed to a stop. Kion inhaled a shaky breath and opened his eyes, looking directly at Fuli. He tensed and stared into her emerald gaze... or was it really emerald?

"F-Fuli... she's here... she's... she's...."

"I know," she said before Kion could completely lose it. "I'm trying to control her. She's... ugh," Fuli groaned in anger and flexed her claws, then inhaled a breath to try to keep calm. The anger isn't mine. "She's in my head."

Kion's eyes flashed with fear. Run, his instincts told him by the expression on his face. He tensed, but due to his neck, he couldn't. He inhaled another breath and coughed, pressing his forepaws gently to his neck. His gaze danced around and he laid his head down due to loss of breath.

"Kion, I need you to run."

The words came out in a commanding order. "Run away from here. I'll distract Swift's Clan while you go."

"But what about-"

"You need help and rest. Your cut is starting to get infected and it's worsening the problem. You can barely breathe and the neglect from Swift's Clan isn't helping."

"But what about you?"

"I'll go with you." Guilt squirmed in Fuli's belly at the mention of it. I couldn't control Jua...

"But what about the-" he broke off, coughing, "the*cough* Guard."

"I don't know, but we'll find out and rescue them if they're in danger. But for now, we have to wait."

"But we-" He coughed, "gotta rescue them!"

I know, we just have to wait a little bit. We can't have you injured like this facing enemies more powerful than the Great Kings and Queens themselves. We have to flee for now and hide away somewhere while you heal. Your life is at risk if you stay and cause Mwepesi problems."


"I'll distract Swift's Clan by making an important announcement, an announcement from the heir. Listen closely to the words I say. I'll tell you when to run."

Without waiting for an answer, Fuli walked out of the den and found Mwepesi lazing about in his new makeshift den.

"Father, I wish to make an announcement," she stated formally, making Mwepesi smirk.

"Alright then, heir to Swift's Clan." He walked out of his den. "SWIFT'S CLAN, MY HEIR AND DAUGHTER WISHES TO MAKE AN ANNOUNCEMENT."

Swift's Clan hurriedly rushed out of their dens and looked at their leader and his daughter. "Yes, Leader-In-Training Fuli?" One said.

Fuli climbed to the top of Mwepesi's den. "Everyone, I saw a herd last night during the thunderstorm, trying to track it..."


Kion didn't know what to do as Fuli continued her distraction speech. Should he do what she told him? If he did, he had a chance of escaping everything.

But how could he risk leaving her if things went wrong? Especially under Jua's control? And after all she went through with the secret... He shook his head. He didn't want to think about that at the moment.

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