Chapter 27

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Agh... this darn scar. Why can't I just get a break for once? Kion asked himself as he pawed at his scar. Zira and Jua threw insults and taunts at him, all the while threatening him if he ever tried to fight back.

"JUST STOP ALREADY, WILL YOU?!" Kion screamed at the tip of his lungs. "JUST STOP IT! LET ME GO HOME!"

"But that would be SO boring," Jua said dramatically. "Besides, hearing your pathetic squealing for comfort is quite amusing."

I was squealing? Kion subconsciously looked down at his paws, his pelt sparking with embarrassment.

"I want my mom..." Kion muttered, missing the feeling when he was curled up in his mother's paws without a single worry in the lands.

"Aww, did you hear that?" Jua mocked. "The little cub misses his mommy. If only he knew..."

"Knew what?" Kion demanded.

"Oh it's nothing." Jua's words came out in a snarl.


"QUESTION ME AGAIN, AND I'LL CLAW YOU THIS WHOLE NIGHT!" Jua yelled. Kion cowered below her intimidating figure. He tucked his tail between his legs which were trembling with fear.

"Wait Jua, we agreed that next time, it'd be my turn to torture Kion," Zira reminded her. Jua nodded. "Oh yeah, we did agree that. Don't let me get in your way." Jua stepped aside from the trembling Kion, exposing him to Zira and all of her torture.

"Ah yes, this will be fun." Zira circled around Kion, unsheathing her claws. She got close to him. He could feel her hot breath on his cheeks. "You're lucky I'll be nice to you today." The very sound of her voice made Kion shiver. "I'll save the stricter punishment for later."

Kion let out a sigh of relief. His trembling returned when he felt claws slide against his side, drawing blood. He grunted and whimpered in pain. This will all be over when I wake up... This will all be over when I wake up. He tried to reassure himself with those thoughts, but it was useless.


Kion's eyes snapped open. Finally! Thank the Great Kings and Queens that's over... He got to his paws, surprisingly not struggling as much as he had before. Gotta keep going to find my friends, he thought determinedly.


The Lion Guard were still on their way to the Tree of Life. Fuli walked alongside Kion and the rest of the Guard. The next Moja Kwa Moja Stone they had to find was a mountain with two peaks. They had already found two Moja Kwa Moja stones, one on the Back Lands waterfall and one on an iroko tree. Luckily, Anga had spotted the mountain with two peaks and they were currently walking there.

A bolt of pain shot through Kion. He raised his paw and rubbed his eye. Agh... Kion continued to paw at his scar.

"Kion, are you okay?" Fuli asked him. He replied harshly.

"I'm fine Fuli!" He snapped in irritation. Fuli flinched. As far as she could remember at the moment, Kion never snapped at anyone like that, especially at his friends. Kion, obviously realizing what he just said, shook his head and apologized.

"Sorry, Fuli. I didn't mean to-" Fuli cut him off. "It's alright Kion," she replied. Kion gave her a grateful glance and slowly walked towards the head of the group.

"Uh, guys," Kion heard Anga say. "We have a problem."

"What is it Anga?" Fuli asked her.

"Well," Anga replied. "You see the mountain with two peaks that we need to climb, it's covered in loose rocks. There aren't any strong grip holds. And it's not like I can just carry all of you up a mountain." Anga added the last part with sarcasm. Ugh! Great, how are we gonna get to the next Moja Kwa Moja stone?! Kion thought annoyed.

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