Chapter 17

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Fuli blinked open her eyes. She looked around for Kion, half expecting him to be sleeping next to her. Then she remembered, Kion is dead. She would never see him again.

"Oh Kion...." Fuli trailed off. "You deserved to know everything. You deserved to know about the past." She whispered. The wind blew through her fur, reminding her of the times her and Kion would race each other back in the Pride Lands. I'd always win. She thought to herself, amused. She then got up and stretched. Gozi was nearby.

"Hey Fuli. Do you feel better now?" He asked. Fuli thought for a moment. No, she didn't feel any better.

"No," she quietly mumbled. She dipped her head in sadness. Kion didn't deserve this. It's not fair!

"I miss him too..." Gozi said. He opened his mouth to speak again, but paused for a moment. "But some are destined to suffer," he told her darkly.

"He shouldn't have been," Fuli growled. "He was a great lion. Life wasn't fair to him." 


Fuli walked through the open fields of the meadow. The stars were shining bright in the night sky. Fuli looked over to the spot she and the rest of the Lion Guard were staying that night. It was a small clearing thickly sheltered with trees and bushes. She heard pawsteps nearby. She looked around and saw that it was Kion. He was gazing up at the starlit sky.

Kion looked unaware of her presence, so she slowly approached him so she wouldn't suddenly scare him when she walked up next to him. She looked up for a brief moment and saw a shooting star fly across the sky. When she got in ear-shot of Kion, she heard him say something quietly.

"I wish that one day, when we get to the Tree of Life, me and Ono can be healed and we'll all be happy again." She heard him say to himself. Kion turned around to go back to the clearing the Guard were all sleeping in. Fuli then made her presence known.

"Fuli? H-how long have you been here?" He asked, a hint of nervousness in his voice. "I just got here," Fuli lied. Kion looked relieved. Fuli could see why - it would be embarrassing to be caught wishing on a star like a little cub would.
"So, let's go to sleep now. It's late," Kion said. Fuli nodded. "Yeah," she said through a yawn. They walked back to the small, sheltered clearing that they and the Guard were staying for the night.

"Goodnight Fuli," Kion said.

"Goodnight Kion," she replied. They then both laid their heads down to sleep.


Fuli stomped out of the small clearing. (Almost like the one in the flashback.) She motioned with her tail for Gozi to follow.

"We have to find the rest of the Guard," she told him. "And how exactly are you planning on doing that?" Gozi gave her a doubtful look.

"Um..." Fuli trailed off awkwardly. "We might be able to track them by scent."

"Then where exactly would we start?" He asked, almost sarcastically. Fuli didn't have a reply.

"Um... erm... We could start where I last saw them. Not far from here I think. Maybe we could pick up their scent from there."

"Even if we do find them, what next?" Gozi asked. "We keep going to the Tree of Life." Fuli answered. "Ono, an egret who was me and Kion's friend, needs healing too."

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