Chapter 36

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They walked back in the direction of the Tree of Life. When they got there, Rani called out; "Grandmother!"

They walked into the cavern like area. "Rani? Is something wrong? Janna asked.

"You could say that." Rani glared at Kion. "Kion led an army of predators here!"

"An army of predators?" Makini gasped.

"I wouldn't call three an army," Kion said in defense.

Rani stood in front of the queen. "We never should have let him in."

"I am sorry. Your Majesty. I had no idea they were following us." Kion tried not to avoid her gaze.

"I doubt they will leave now that they have found the Tree of Life," Janna remarked.

"At least let me and the Lion Guard help with Makucha and-"

"NO!" Rani yelled. "I TOLD YOU! WE CAN HANDLE IT!"

Kion tried not to flinch.

"Rani," Janna scolded.

Rani looked up at her grandmother. "Sorry, Grandmother."

"Thank you for your offer, Kion," Janna thanked. "But Rani is correct. It is the Night Pride's duty to protect the Tree of Life," she told him.

Kion began to protest. "Yeah, but it's my fault that-"

"Kion," the queen stated firmly, getting his attention, "you must help yourself before you can help others. Now go. And let Nirmala guide you. After all, that is why you have come to the Tree of Life."

Kion was about to protest, then sighed. I can't give them a hard time with this. Or else they might refuse to heal me. Worse, they might refuse to heal Ono because of me. "Yes, Your Majesty," he agreed obediently.

He walked out of the Tree of Life. There, he found Nirmala waiting for him. "Let's go back to the River of Patience," she told him.

Kion was about to protest, but stopped himself. He sighed. "Okay."

They walked back to the River of Patience. That time, Kion didn't utter a word the whole time. When they got there, Kion sat down, waiting for a log.

Hours flew by. It was then sunset.

Kion sighed. I'm so bored!

He heard a voice echo in his ears. "This hyena-dung is pointless," it told him. "There's no way that waiting for a log is going to heal you."

He sighed. "Still no log." Pain itched at his scar. He pawed at it. "Nirmala, if you'd let me do it my way, I'd have the flower and be back by now."

"Let me guide you, Kion," Nirmala told him, "like Queen Janna said."

"Argh..." Kion groaned in pain. This stupid scar! Then, he finally saw a log floating past!

He could've leaped for joy. He dashed to the floating log. "Yes!"

"Patience Kion," Nirmala warned. "Oh, don't listen to her," Jua's voice rang in his ears. "She's just trying to slow you down."

He hopped onto the log but it rolled out from under him, sending him plunging into the cold water once more.

He began to panic again. Water filled his nostrils when he tried to catch his breath. Kion, you got out of this earlier, he told himself, just swim! His legs thrashed in the water as he tumbled. Suddenly he broke the surface of the water, coughing and sputtering.

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