Chapter 54

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The Lion Guard continued cheering Fuli on. "Go Fuli! Go Fuli!"

"Heh, thanks guys," Fuli said as she attempted to take a step in the water.

"Woo-hoo! Yay Fuli!" Kion cheered.

As they cheered her on and helped her, Kion began to feel a subtle burning feeling in his gut. When he opened his mouth to say something, he started thinking; I don't want to worry anyone. Besides, it's probably just a stomachache and it'll go away soon.

He closed his mouth and smiled, giving off the impression that all was alright.

"Fuli's doing great," Beshte remarked. 

Ono nodded his head in agreement. "Affirmative!"

"You got that right!" Bunga did a Bunga styled summersault, splashing Fuli and Kion in the process.

"Ugh, seriously? It's bad enough I have to be in the water. Splashing it all over my face doesn't help," Fuli groaned, glaring at the honey badger.

"Oops, heh, sorry," Bunga chuckled nervously, fidgeting with his claws nervously.

Kion started to laugh, but immediately stopped and froze in place. The pure movement of his body hurt his gut.

After a while of everyone cheering her on and Fuli slowly but surely making progress, the cheetah stopped and looked at Kion, tilting her head. "Kion.. you alright?"

Kion opened his mouth to reassure her that 'I'm fine', but stopped himself. He had promised to Fuli he would be more open about things. He couldn't break a promise to her, especially that promise.

So he shook his head and answered honestly. "My stomach hurts a little, it's nothing too bad though."

"You sure?" Bunga asked. Beshte probably would have walked closer to see, but he likely didn't want to risk stepping on any of them. Anga and Ono flew closer to examine the situation.

Yeah, it isn't that bad!

Makini waded through the water to him. She lightly touched his shoulder with her hands and started guiding him towards land. "Let's get you back to land so I can take a look. The rest of you, keep helping Fuli."

The others nodded, though Fuli held a protesting look.

Kion felt the murky sand that squished between his pawtoes change to drier sand as he and Makini finally got out of the water. He felt a weight drop over him as they got out of the lake. 

"Lay down please." The mandrill motioned for Kion to lay down. He obeyed and laid on his side.

"Hmm," Makini muttered as she grazed her hands down his underbelly, parting some of the fur to examine his skin. She turned back in the direction the others were in. "Ono!" She called, cupping her hands over her mouth. "Can you help me take a look at this?"

Take a look at what? Is it bad?

"Affirmative! I'll be right there!" Ono got off from his perch on Beshte's back and flew over to Makini and Kion. He landed next to to both of them. Makini parted some of the fur on Kion's underbelly to let Ono see whatever she might have been concerned about.

Ono leaned closer to get a better look. "Oh no."

Oh no? Is it bad?

"'Oh no' what?" Makini asked, leaning closer.

Ono turned back to her. "Don't worry Makini. It's nothing too serious. When Fuli healed his stomach with her powers it still left a cut. That cut is starting to get infected, probably due to him walking in a likely contaminated lake. It shouldn't be too much of a problem however, as long as he gets treated for it right away."

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