Chapter 63

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Fuli walked across a log. Embers sparked from it and fire blazed nearby, but she was frighteningly calm. The fire stretched so high and the smoke was so thick that she couldn't see the sky above her.

Why was she calm? She should be running.

But no matter how much Fuli told herself to run, she remained calm.

"I see you've arrived," a bone chilling voice echoed smoothly. Fuli looked up to see a glowing white lioness, muscular and broad shouldered. "Welcome, my bridge."

"Bridge?" Fuli echoed, still frighteningly calm.

"Yes. My bridge to weaken Kion."

Fuli's mind barely had time to process those words before the world swirled in circles around her and her conciousness began to change.


So deep in this mess.

Would they ever find a way out?

So much had happened. All they wanted was for it to end and for them to live in happiness.

Those were Kion's thoughts as he lay in the shelter of the den. Stormy wind howled outside and thunder boomed. Rain poured down, soaking everything that wasn't covered by the den's protective roof.

Fuli lay asleep beside him, her chest rising and falling as she slept. Wounds from Swift's Clan littered her body, causing guilt to puncture it's way into Kion's heart. She had gotten those wounds saving his life.

When he looked at her, complicated feelings bubbled up inside him. She had done so much... yet the lie kept from him made him wonder many things.

Although he knew she did it to keep him safe.

Guilt clawed at his heart. He shouldn't be like this. She had done all she could. He should admire her for that, not feel regrets.

Why did it have to happen, though?

Why did all of this have to happen? 

Why did he have to get bitten? Why did they all have to lie to him? Why did everything that happened have to happen?

He knew he shouldn't feel conflicted. She couldn't have done more for him than what she already did.

But it all still felt... complicated.

He didn't know how he truly felt about her anymore. About Nala and Nirmala too. And... Simba.

How could his father be like that to him?

Then he shook his head. He wasn't his father.

"Kion," a voice hissed behind him, a mixture of a whisper and a growl. "Help me."

Kion turned, minding his injury, to see Fuli staring at him. He opened his mouth to ask why but closed it again when he stared into her eyes. They weren't the familiar emerald orbs Kion was used to looking at.

They were bright amber.

"F-Fuli.. is that you?" Kion dared to ask, afraid of the answer.

Fuli desperately shook her head. "Run!" She was growling to herself. It almost seemed like she was trying to maintain control over her own body. "It's her!"

Kion didn't need to be told who her was. He quickly scrambled to his paws and started running deeper into the brush. However, it wasn't long before his injury caught up to him and he soon collapsed, sides heaving desperately for air.

He desperately hoped Jua wouldn't find him.

His hopes plummeted when he felt a sturdy paw grip his shoulder. It dug claws into his shoulder and down his back. He cried out in pain and tried to get up, but was pushed down again harshly. He froze and closed his eyes, not knowing what horrid thing would happen next.

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