Chapter 65

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Blood clouded Kion's vision as he struggled. "Fuli, please stop! I know you're in there somewhere!"

"Fuli's not here," snarled the reply.

Soon, he lost all counciousness and his vision faded...


"We'll fight for what's right," Kion began.

"Pride Landers Unite!" The Pride Landers finished.

They then charged in, blood was everywhere. Claws were unsheathed and ripping out fur. Fuli tried not to look, as she and the Lion Guard needed to get to the top of the volcano to defeat Scar, as Janja had said before, 'Only Kion can defeat him, by using the Roar. But it's gotta be the most powerful Roar you've got. And you've got to Roar inside the top of the volcano so the flames of the volcano overwhelm Scar.'

Luckily, the Pride Landers, Jasiri and her clan, and Janja and his clan held off the enemies while the Lion Guard made their way to the top of the volcano.

When they got there, Scar, as expected, was waiting for them.

"Kion, Lion Guard. Welcome." Scar said menacingly.

"He does know why we're here doesn't he?" Bunga whispered to Kion, but he ignored him.

"I know why you think you're here." Scar said slyly. "But destiny can be full of surprises."

"Ushari, now!" Then, faster then he could blink, pain seared through his face and he fell from the force of the blow, landing hard on his back. He saw red and something sharp sliced down his eye which he was clenching tightly shut in fear of potentially losing it.

"Ushari!" A muffled voice exclaimed. Then suddenly a blur of blue tackled the snake off of Kion. His entire soul screamed with relief that the worst of the pain was over. He rolled over and pressed a paw to his bloodied face, hoping it would at least so something to ease the horrid pain gnawing at his whole being with every progressing second.

Scar laughed maniacally, then started to mock Kion. "Sisi ni sawa Kion. Now you'll have a scar, just like me. Sisi ni sawa means we're the same," Scar mocked, though his voice came out muffled to Kion due to the venom clouding his senses. "Though you're made of flesh, and I'm made of flame." 

"We're not the same!" Kion yelled and scrambled to his paws, rushing over to stand on the edge of the rock and face the fiery spirit. "I'll never be like you Scar!"


There Fuli sat, blood tainting her paws. Her eyes were wild and she desperately tried to regain control.

She couldn't.

Kion's body lay in the middle of the stream. His chest rose and fell in deep, labored, and shaky breaths.

If only he hadn't tried to save her. If only he had just saved himself for once! If only...

...if only he never got so attached to her.

Long claw marks littered his body and he whimpered. He had begged her to stop. He had pleaded to her with a knowing in his voice that she was still in there somewhere.

Jua's spirit took control and made it last as long as possible, all the while Kion screamed in pain and agony as his blood spilled out of his body and flowed onto the bare rocks. After, she had tossed him into the stream, his blood flowing out of him and into the flowing water.

"Fu..i... wh... I... so... lo... ou..." He barely wheezed, trying to catch his breath. 

"Kion... I..." Fuli couldn't continue as she broke into tears. She rushed towards Kion, letting the tears of despair flow.

Kion... sweet, sweet Kion. He had done nothing except try to help her.

A slight hint of anger bubbled up inside her. Kion caused-...

"I'm sorry."

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