Chapter 20

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Fuli was walking with the rest of the Lion Guard on their journey to the Tree of Life. She tried to move on from Kion, but she couldn't. Kion had became a huge part of her life. She had never imagined that she'd ever lose him. She remembered how he was struggling so much on their journey to the Tree of Life. Oh Kion... You deserved so much more than what life gave you.

"C'mon Fuli, you can't keep feeling sad about Kion forever," Bunga told her. Silence fell upon the Guard. Fuli was disgusted. How could I move on from Kion so fast?!

"No!" She yelled. She let out a low growl. "How can you expect me to move on so fast?!" She growled.

"But Fuli," Gozi interupted. Gozi was currently traveling to the Tree of Life with the rest of the Guard. "Bunga has a point."

"What do you mean?!" Fuli yelled. "I can't move on! He was too important to me!" Fuli meant every word.

"I know but it's not healthy to-"

"Who cares if it's not healthy?!"

"I know how you feel but-"

"NO!" She yelled. She ran over to Gozi and pinned him, snarling furiously. She dug her claws into his shoulder. Gozi yelped. "Fuli stop! This isn't you!"

"Yes. It. Is." Fuli snarled back. She ran her claws down his shoulder. "FULI STOP!" He yelled through tears. "You're hurting me!"

A flash appeared, though it didn't appear to be seen by anyone else. The vision changed. She was pinned by a wolf with icy blue eyes. His fur was like shadows. His claws ran down her shoulder. It quickly faded and was replaced by her pinning and clawing Gozi. Real life. She gasped in horror.

"G-Gozi? I-I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-" 

"N-no i-it's okay," he told her, looking down at his paws. He seemed almost... afraid... of her. Fuli, ashamed and devastated, ran away. This wasn't the first time this happened, but it was the first time she directly hurt someone. 

 I'm going to end up like he did... Fuli told herself. Another flash showed itself in front of her. She was surrounded by cheetahs. She could barely process what was going on and who they were. Then as soon as the image appeared, it was gone.

Fuli shook her head, trying to clear her mind. What do I do?  She asked herself. She was so caught up in grief and despair that she couldn't even think clearly anymore. Grief for Kion.



Something that gets in your way

And every day

You wish that things were different

And grief

Drives you to believe

That everything's hopeless

Everything's hopeless

In the end

I wished that everything would turn out 


But that wasn't fate's way


How I miss you so

I only wish that you were still here

Losing you was my greatest fear

If only you could have known

The Lion Guard: A Dark SecretWhere stories live. Discover now