Chapter 8

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Kion walked with the rest of the Lion Guard on their way to the Tree of Life. It hadn't been long since Fuli died saving Kion from the flood.  Oh Fuli... you saved my life even after I hurt you. And you gave your own life in doing so. Kion thought guiltily. Apparently Bunga saw that he was filled with sorrow and grief, because he came over to try to cheer him up.

"Hey Kion, what did the bear say when he was arguing? This argument is unbearable!" Bunga laughed at his own joke. That's not even funny. Kion thought to himself negatively.

"Seriously?" Anga asked. "Is this too hawkward for you, Anga?" Bunga tried to make another pun.

"I'm an eagle," Anga told him flatly. "Nahhh," Bunga said. "She's just lion."Kion rolled his eyes. That wasn't funny either.

"C'mon Kion, lighten up!" He said. "You can't think about Fuli forever!" Kion and the Guard froze as soon as Bunga said that. "Bunga! Shh!" Makini told him sternly. She then walked over to him. "You know how Kion feels about her death!" Makini whispered in Bunga's ear, loud enough for Kion to hear it, though he didn't think that was what she intended. Makini then whispered something quietly into Bunga's ear, but Kion couldn't hear what she was saying. Then Bunga walked up to Kion.

"Sorry," Bunga muttered while looking down at his paws.

"I-it's okay Bunga," Kion forgave him. He didn't want Bunga, or anyone else in fact, to feel sorry him because of for how badly he was coping with Fuli's death. He barely ate or slept, he didn't feel hungry or tired. When he did sleep, every time he woke up, for a few moments he thinks he'd see Fuli next to him, then he remembers that Fuli is gone forever. Kion would never see her again.

"L-let's keep going," Kion said to the group. Then they continued walking through the recently flooded dessert. The land had not dried yet, and there were puddles here and there. Kion, still thinking about Fuli, wasn't looking where he was going and he fell into a deep puddle, about four pawsteps deep. His fur was now soaked. "Ugh," he muttered. He then got back to his paws and continued on.

"Anga?" He asked. "Do you see the next Moja Kwa Moja stone?"

"Nope," came a simple reply. Kion then got hit with a pain in his scar. He put his paw up to it briefly. Great. Just great. He thought to himself sarcastically. "Then how are we going to get the the Tree of Life?! Ugh!"

He then heard Bunga mutter: "If Fuli was still here she'd be able to calm him down." Kion looked down at his paws, suddenly feeling very guilty.

"Well, let's try going that way!" Makini said with effort, obviously trying to change the subject. She pointed with her bakora staff to a grassland in the distance. Kion shrugged.

"Ugh fine. But only because we have nowhere better to go," Kion replied arrogantly, trying to hide the overwhelming guilt and sadness that washed over him every time Fuli was mentioned. "Let's go." They then started walking towards the grasslands.

After a couple of days Kion and the Lion Guard finally arrived at the grasslands. It was much cooler than the dessert. Kion was relieved to have gotten out of the dessert before it dried up again.

"I'm sooooooo borrreeed," said Bunga.

"Ugh! Bunga you've said that a million times!" Kion snapped irritably.

"But I am!" Bunga tried to defend himself. Kion approached Bunga. Bunga backed away. Wait, is he... afraid of me? Kion asked himself, then backed away from Bunga.

"Sorry, Bunga," Kion apologized to him while looking down at his paws.

"Hakuna Matata, Kion," Bunga replied simply. Then the Guard continued on walking through the grasslands aimlessly, hoping they would find the next Moja Kwa Moja stone. Then Kion saw a forest.

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