Chapter 7

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Fuli blinked open her eyes. She looked around, scared. This place was unfamiliar to her, she was in a den with grassy flooring underneath her. The roof was high, about ten pawsteps high. I'm not dead? She saw a cheetah, just like her, walking around the den. Then, an important thought hit her. Kion! Is he okay?

"Erm, excuse me," she asked the cheetah. "Have you seen a young lion with golden fur and a bright red, still-growing mane?"

"Ah, yes I have! It tried to kill you! We saw it standing next to your body when we carried you out of the ravine," the cheetah replied. 

Why did he use the term 'it' when referring to Kion?

"What you do mean? He didn't try to kill me. I saved him," Fuli told the cheetah. 

The cheetah's face turned to shock. His eyes widened. "What?! How could you save a lion! Their species are enemies to ours! Lions are nothing but cruel, vicious, savages!" 

Fuli's eyes widened at the cheetah's statement. "What do you mean by that?" She asked curiously.

"Lions have killed many of our kind. They forced our clan, Swift's Clan, to leave our home and travel here." 

Wait, there are other cheetahs?

"There are other cheetahs?" Fuli asked. 

"Oh yes there are. About forty of them," the cheetah replied. "Also, my name is Ghafla."

"Also," Ghafla continued. "There's two cheetahs who told me they want to see you." Fuli was confused. Someone wanted to see her? Who was it? Then, two familiar cheetahs walked into the room. Fuli couldn't believe her eyes.

"Mom?! Dad?!" Fuli exclaimed. She then ran over to them and hugged them. "What are you doing here?"

"That's what we were going to ask you!" Her mother, Endesha, exclaimed. Her father, Mwepesi, stepped forward. "Thank goodness you survived that attack from that lion!" He spat the last part out in disgust.

"He didn't attack me," Fuli told them. "I saved him." 

"She told me that earlier, Swift Mwepesi," Ghafla whispered into her father's ear. Her father looked confused.

"Did you bump your head or something? Why in the name of the Bright Stars Above the Savanna would you save a lion?"

"He's my friend," Fuli explained. Her parents eyes widened. Her mother, father, and Ghafla exchanged nervous glances. 

"Well," her father began. "We'll shape you up into a real cheetah yet." 

Um, excuse me? 

Fuli heard her father mutter something under his breath, but she couldn't tell what it was.

"Uhum, okay?" Fuli said awkwardly. Then her father and mother walked into another huge cave with a tall roof. "It's time you learn our way. The way of the cheetah!" "Yeah!" Her mother agreed.

All alone
Without your own kind
I'll bet you don't know our way
Let us show you and you will find
The way cheetahs are meant to be, the way they are designed

(Jifunze njia ya Duma)
Learn the cheetah way
(Jifunze njia ya Duma)
That what we've gotta say!

I know you've loved being alone once
It's engrained in your blood
Embrace those ways again
You know that it's fun

Having friends can drag you down
If the lion is truly the one you saved
It's his fault you almost drowned
For his life, you're the one who paid

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