Spells and Demons

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Statera est clavem - make things or oneself balance

Prohibere tempus - make time to stop for a certain period of time

Ictus fulmine - thunderbolt

Maximus Ictus fulmine - maximum thunderbolt

Delectamentum prandium - make food delicious

Solvere hanc potestatem - make other powers nullified

Vox tacet - make someone losses his voice for a certain period of time

Exponentia tabulae novae - cancel self-enchanted spells

Dolor Auferat - heal any pain and wounds

Plantae amoveatur - remove the plant

Globos igbis - fireballs

Apparent plantae - summoning plant
Flexilis corpus - makes the body flexible

Gravitas negare - negate gravity

Dicunt ventum - wind summoning

Tera acri - sharp rocks

Gladius de terra - Sword of Earth

Lux interfectorem - an offensive and destructive light magic

Gigas Radices - summon a giant made up of roots

Gigas radices maximus - summon an extreme giant made up of roots

Nuclei pila ignis - super big ball of fire (like a sun)

Flexilis manus falx - flexible hand scythe

Parvus lumen de crepitus - small light of explosion

Radices gigas manibus - summoning two giant root hands

Displodo ex altum intra - fire that explodes deep inside the opponent

Invenio penitus: (Place) - use to locate a specific place or area

Flamma praecantatio: Tacitus letalis pauxillum - a noiseless fire magic spell with a huge impact

Luminum telum - arrows of light

Catena Vinea - use to chain the body of the opponent

Ferrum cutis - make oneself an iron skin.

Infinitus incido: Letalis falx - make an infinite strike of deadly scythe to the opponent

Fulmen lupus - wolf made up of lightning

Patefacio sera - use to open any lock

Plenus patefacio sera - use to open many locks at the same time

Turbine ignis - a tornado made up of fire


Somniare. Credo. Consequi. - Dream. Believe. Achieve.

Qzigfor - a magic measurement device

Yinzang Training Camp, Yumbong - the place where the one-month training will be undertaken. Also, the place where the five (5) philosophers trained

Cygrimoire - a device used to communicate with people in a far distance

Aquila Visum - an ability to see someone else's magic level and possessed only by one-in-a-billion person

Praestes - called to the keeper of the forest specially of the Balete Tree.

Mt. Malapayat - the place where the first mission of Team D.A.C.S. undertaken

Eregarden - the place where Team D.A.C.S. executed their most difficult mission

Sierra Padre - the place where the Demon King resides and where the main lead saw his long lost father


Byzen - Level 1
Vrezlis - Level 2
Punchex - Level 3
Cephy - Level 4
Qwartz - Level 5
Volmizar - Level 10
Gasphemy - Level 15
Xenonlyphus - Level 20
Kingurasticat - Level 25
Nanoetherisk - Level 30
Zytherial - Level 35
Cyprusvillasmus - Level 40
Benzyllamophilla - Level 45
Wazzlepillarmus - Level 50
Clamourusphorus - Level 55
Millamorpheus - Level 60
Philamorpheus - Level 65
Extemponiarismus - Level 70
Rectomarphocalixus - Level 75
Cambrixtolavia - Level 80
Fontiballerizza - Level 85
Monathalasmusimos - Level 90
Ophtalogistantalumoris - Level 95
Examplificaricaturaphilosphomus-valedictionarheus - Level 100
Cy - Level Unknown

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