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"Baby!" Chan called out from under their tree by the river. It was beginning to melt now that late January had come around and the impact of wintery weather was starting to dull slowly back down.

Felix heard Chan's shout and sprinted over to him, a huge smile plastered over his face as per usual whenever they were together. He hopped into Chan's lap, finding it immensely comfortable and snuggling up against his chest. Chan wrapped his arms around Felix to make him feel more secure and warm.

"How's the most annoying boyfriend in the world doing today?" Felix asked with a teasing smile. Chan rolled his eyes, smiling back.

"Hopefully just as good as the most adorable boyfriend in the world."

Felix let out a bashful laugh like he often did when Chan said something so cheesy like that to him. Especially those random pick up lines that he says out of nowhere.

"Did you see the picture I sent you?" Felix asked the older once he had calmed himself.

"Oh the one of the cat, right?"

"No... The other one."

Chan frowned, eyebrows knitting together as he tried to think of what image Felix could possibly be talking about. Then it hit him. Felix did send him that.

"Oh... That one." He smirked. Felix smirked back and wrapped his arms around his neck, pulling their faces closer together, their noses booping against one another.

"What did you think?" Felix asked, purposefully dropping his voice by a few octaves. His voice was already deep enough as it was and doing that only made Chan an internal mess.

"Beautiful." He simply answered, dropping his voice to a slightly husky whisper. Although, his voice was not at all on the same level as Felix's, it still delighted the younger.

Chan searched Felix's eyes for permission which was given with a small nod. With that reassurance, he then tugged down the collar of Felix's sweater and pressed his lips softly against his collarbone. He smiled as he felt Felix's fist curl in his hair.

"So beautiful." Chan mumbled, moving to press his lips along the base of Felix's neck. When Felix let out a small gasp and pressured his head closer to the spot and held on tightly to his hair, Chan knew he'd found the spot to put a small hickey.

So he did just that, softly sucking and biting the skin, careful to do it all without hurting Felix in the slightest. In fact it seemed to just make Felix feel the exact opposite of pain meaning he was doing his job right.

Satisfied with the mark he moved back a little.

"If you send stuff like that again though, give me more of a warning..."

"Why? It's not like it was an ass or dick pic."

"I know but my mum was on my phone when the notification came through." Chan awkwardly explained. "Yeah, so needless to say, a close up picture of your neck wearing that pretty collar was not something she was expecting to see."

Felix chuckled at the anecdote.

"I'll keep it in mind." He hummed back.

✔︎𝖮𝗇𝗅𝗒 𝖸𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗌 ░ 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗡𝗟𝗜𝗫Where stories live. Discover now