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After a successful movie date, Chan was feeling ecstatic now that they were home. Felix had slept on his shoulder towards the end of the movie and before that, they had shared a few secret kisses and held hands the whole time.

Sure, it was simple and probably cliché but that's all it took to have Chan so happy. That and the fact it was Felix he was with and that always made things better.

However, he was surprisingly excitable when thinking about the ride there and back. Felix had drove the motorbike as promised but chose to go at his notorious pace of way, way, way too fast. Legally, Felix was going at an accepted speed but Chan felt like he would die from it.

Chan had to hold on so tight to him and he felt bad if he was hurting the younger looking back on it. He was even screaming at him to slow down too, Felix only laughed and him and Chan could've sworn he had sped up each time.

"Ah, what am I gonna do with you." Chan sighed, looking over at Felix who was stood beside him, taking off his helmet.

"Mmm..." Felix hummed, taking the helmet to hold against his stomach. "Maybe kiss me?"

"After you tried killing me?" Chan huffed while trying to supress a cheeky smile.

"If you don't kiss me, then I'll kiss you!"

"No!" Chan whined, crossing his arms over himself to try look like an angry toddler to amuse his boyfriend. "You're not allowed to kiss me."

"Why not?" Felix whined back, "I want kisses..."

"Mmm," Chan tapped his chin, keeping up his little act. "I don't think you deserve kisses."

Felix pouted and perched a hand onto Chan's shoulder, resting his chin atop of it. He pulled some puppy dog eyes on his boyfriend who was still acting and looked away.

"You won't give your baby kisses?" Felix fake sniffled, deciding to take up a similar act to his boyfriend. "That makes me really sad, baby needs his kisses..."

"... Maybe," Chan began. "I'll give my baby some kisses... Only if he stops driving my motorbike so fast."

Felix smiled. "I promise. Now give me my kisses!"

Chan rolled his eyes and cupped Felix's face in his hands to push their lips together. They separated and repeated it two more times before Felix snuggled into Chan's arms, head resting against his chest. Even like that, Chan still peppered small kisses into the youngers hair. They were both quietly laughing to themselves over how silly they had just acted.

Honestly, they both were sure they could stay in little moments like these forever. With Felix safely tucked in his boyfriends arms and with Chan holding the younger close, kissing his head. Though, they did have many moments like this so it'd be hard to pick just one to stay in forever.

Needless to say, at their respective ages of 27 and 24 after knowing each other since they were young, neither wanted to spend a moment without the other.

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