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Nervous was an understatement. Chan was practically about to pass out or throw up... or both. He was constantly checking his back pocket, making sure the small red box was in there. After swallowing the lump in his throat, he checked the time on his phone.

In the remaining five minutes he had until Felix showed up, he looked around at the decorations. He and his family and friends had decorated the tree by the river with some light colours. Whites, silvers and the occasional pink fabrics slung across the tree and it's branches. The river bank had some matching fairy lights along it.

They really had put so much effort into it and Chan was glad they were by his side for this, even if they had retreated to the near by Starbucks.


The mentioned quickly looked over. Felix had just arrived and was looking all around at the unusual decorations. Coming to a halt in front of Chan and taking in how neatly dressed up he was. Casual yet a hint of formality.

Chan took a deep breath and carefully grabbed ahold of Felix's hands.

"Lee Felix," Chan started. "I've known you for so long, exactly 20 years today. We've dated for 9 years and I never have looked at anyone else the way I do at you... I love you so much and... I want to buy a house with you, wake up next to you each morning and sleep beside you each night... You probably know where this is going but..."

Chan began to get very shaky and he shifted down onto one knee, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out the red box and presented it to Felix, opening the top up to show him the ring he spent so much time picking out. Just to make sure it was utterly perfect.

"I— I want to ask you something really important... Will you marry me?" Chan managed to push out over the top of his nervousness. His hands were trembling and he was about to cry already.

He glanced up to see Felix's reaction. The younger was just staring at him so stunned and was crying. Felix dropped to his knees and began to full on sob, nodding quickly. He could just about mumble a small yes.

Chan carefully took the ring out of box and delicately held Felix's hand. He slipped the ring onto his finger, feverishly kissing his hand once he saw how perfect the ring looked on him. It was beyond his expectations.

"I love you!" Felix sobbed, leaning to hug Chan and burried his head into his shoulder. He continued to sob out the same three words as Chan pulled him close and encirlcled him in his arms.

"Are you happy?" Chan asked through a sniffle.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Felix quickly responded. "You've made me the happiest man in the world."

"I want to stay you always." Chan spoke. "We'll always stay with each other."



✔︎𝖮𝗇𝗅𝗒 𝖸𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗌 ░ 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗡𝗟𝗜𝗫Where stories live. Discover now