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"Kiss my ass!" Jisung screamed in victory. Felix and Chan had invited their friends from back in Korea over to their house. It was late at night and they had been having a mini house party amongst themselves, drinking alcohol and getting more than a little tipsy.

Right now they were watching Jisung and Minho drunkenly argue about something. They didn't know what but it was entertaining.

"I'd do more than kiss your ass!" Minho said before taking another gulp of beer.

"Yeah Ho? Like what?" Jisung fired back.

"I'd shove a damn stick up it if you don't shut up!"

"Sounds great!" Jisung yelled with sarcastic enthusiasm. "I love that, do it! Do it, you coward!"

Minho was about to retort with a snarky comment before he let out a little burp. Jisung being extremely drunk began to laugh hysterically at the noise.

"My baby burple nurpled!" He giggled, trying to get to his walk over to Minho but ended up stumbling and falling into Minho, knocking both of them to the floor. Jisung ended up landing in a weird position where he was somewhat layed on Minho. "Oh! Now he's a shitty gymnastics mat!"

Felix snickered at them from beside Chan.

"Oh the joy of having a baby of many talents! I'm truly blessed!" Jisung continued to shout. Minho was just laugh-crying. However they both failed to notice the beer that Minho was spilling on both of them as he was now holding the can at an angle.

"They're so chaotic." Felix chuckled, whispering to Chan. He didn't really hear Felix though, he was too focused on the other four drunks sat together. Hyunjin and Seungmin side by side, arms over each other's shoulder with Jeongin laying across both their laps. Changbin had passed out at some point in front of them laying on the floor.

They were being equally as loud. In fact, possibly louder.

"Why would yOU EVER KISS ME!" Jeongin shouted off key.

"I'M NOT EVEN HALF AS PRETTYYYY!!" Hyunjin screamed along.

"YOU GAVE HER YOUR SWEATER!" Seungmin joined after taking a long drink of the whiskey they were all sharing.

"ITS JUST POLYESTERRR!!" They all yelled together. Somehow all managing to sing at the same off key. "BUT YOU LIKE HER BETTER!! (YOU BITCH!!)" Seungmin added, causing giggles from the other two.


"Are you sure they're the only chaotic ones?" Chan whispered back to Felix, smiling as he pointed to the group screaming Heather.

"We're gonna have so much for clean up..." Felix sighed, taking a sip of his beer to hopefully forget that thought he said aloud.

"I know." Chan replied. "But don't focus on that, we're supposed to be having fun."

"True..." Felix smiled. "Let's go dance!"

He took ahold of Chan's hands and pulled him over to the middle of the living room. Chan laughed as Felix began to do some weird penguin-like dance. It was adorable. Chan loosened up and joined him.

After a little while, both of them were just as drunk as the others and shouting and being just as loud. It was an absolute mess but that's what made it so fun.

After all, what's life without a little chaos?

✔︎𝖮𝗇𝗅𝗒 𝖸𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗌 ░ 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗡𝗟𝗜𝗫Where stories live. Discover now