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Chan was laying down on a hospital bed, getting oxygen in a fight to keep living. Seeing the frail man struggle so, made Felix's chest twist in dismay. He had sat beside him the whole while, throughout every hospital stay. As Chan aged, he had needed to go back and stay longer and longer than the last.

Today, might just be the last.

Not because he would be any better. No. But because these white sheets would become his death bed.

Felix knew.

He could feel Chan's life slipping away. Even with all the efforts the hospital staff were putting in to keep him alive for longer, were in the end just utterly useless.

Nobody likes the idea of dying.

It's natural to try and shoo the looming shadow of death away.

But you can't shoo death away forever. There will always be a day where your frail attempts will not be endearing to death. Where they will eventually lose the effect it once had and death will no longer pity you. That's when death will take away what you never wanted them to take.

As unfair as it seems, that really is just what makes it fair.

Felix looked over at Chan's face, now wrinkled with age. His eyes still had a slight sparkle, though he's never seen them sparkle like they did when he was still alive. At least they shined a little more like they used to.

Carefully, he reached his translucent hand across to gently take ahold of his dying husband's cheek. He couldn't feel the skin beneath his fingertips, nor the warmth from touching him.

In fact, his fingers were only causing a cold sensation over Chan which he knew from previous times in which he had tried to hug him or lean against him. Those times, Chan had shivered and quietly complained to people or to himself about feeling a sudden draft of icy air hit him.

Felix wished he didn't make his husband feel cold. He wished he could make him feel warmer. But he didn't mind so much at this moment as he knew he'd provide warmth soon, so just a little bit of cold wouldn't be so bad.

He glanced towards Chan's heart rate monitor, a sad smile coating his lips as he saw it get worse.

It was hard to feel sad or happy for him.

He couldn't tell what he felt more.

Happy knowing that death would push them back together, or sad that Chan was about to die and not from natural causes. Rather, he was dying of an underlying inherited family disease.

Felix sighed seeing the staff panic more and more.

They tried so hard. He felt truly terrible knowing their efforts were in vain as the heart monitor went flat with a long monotonous beep.

His Channie was dead.

Just like he was.


The mentioned smiled brightly at the mere sound of that voice.

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