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"How are you feeling?" Felix asked the older, slowly entering Chan's office. He came over and draped his arms over Chan's shoulders from behind, softly holding him as he lent his head against his.

"I'm fine, baby." He replied, eyes still stuck on the computer monitor in front of him. "Are you?"

Felix nodded.

"Did you eat today?"

"Yes, baby." Chan said again. "I ate the food you made me earlier."

"How long have you been working?"

"Almost two hours."

"Are you g—"

Chan reached over and pushed his finger over Felix's lips. He lent his head back, resting it on Felix's shoulder.

"Baby, why are you asking so many questions today?" Chan smiled, in a genuine way. "And yes, I was just finishing up so I could go spend some time with you."

Felix sighed out of relief.

"I was bored being all on my own." Felix said, gently running a hand through Chan's curly dark hair.

"Maybe we should invest in a puppy or kitty." Chan suggested. He reached a hand to squeeze at one of Felix's cheeks. "Just so my wittle baby isn't lonely when I'm working."

"Maybe..." Felix smiled. "Puppy's are cute, I think a puppy."

"A puppy it is." Chan said. "We should look for some in the shelter, yeah?"

Felix nodded, beginning to act giddy at the very idea of getting a cute little dog.


"Yes please!"

Chan chuckled and carefully got out of his chair, Felix immediately grabbing onto his arm and squeezing him ever so tightly. In fact, Chan could easily have been convinced that the circulation in that arm just went the moment Felix latched on with that vice-like grip.

"Oww, don't hurt your hyung..." Chan pouted.

"We live in Australia, Korean honorifics aren't valid here. I can squeeze all I want!"

Chan sighed and let an airy laugh out as they walked into the living room together where the TV was playing some random channel. Thankfully, Felix let go of him here and fell flat onto the sofa. However, Chan being slightly more civilized opted to just sit down over by Felix's head. The younger took advantage of it and scooted up to rest his head on the olders lap.

"Hey... Baby?" Felix asked, his voice a little jittery.

"What's the matter, baby?" Chan asked, looking down at the floof ball who was curled up now.

"We've been married a year now..."


"And I just wanted to ask..." Felix took a long inhale. "W-what age do you wanna be when we have kids...?"

Chan had to take a moment to sit and process everything Felix said.

"I've... Not really thought about to be honest..." Chan admitted. "How old do you want to be."

"... Mmm, I'm 28 now, so maybe 29?" Felix said.

"Okay, baby." Chan smiled. "Do you... Want to adopt or?"

"Maybe... 3 kids, one adopted and the other two via that fancy medical thingy."


"Yeah, that."

"Why do you want kids, baby?"

"We've spent so much time with just you and I already..." Felix said. "Also, I really want to buy those cute baby onesies."

"Mm, they are really cute..." Chan said with a smile. "Maybe we'll have a kid next year, we'll see if we're still up for it, yeah?"

"Yeah, I can't wait to have our own family."

✔︎𝖮𝗇𝗅𝗒 𝖸𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗌 ░ 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗡𝗟𝗜𝗫Where stories live. Discover now