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Ever since Felix had mentioned having kids, the two had been obsessed over it for the last year. Most of the things they talked about involved having kids or being a family in some way. In fact, they had decided against the puppy in the end because they'd rather have a kid instead.

"A little girl would be so cute," Felix blabbed, sitting comfortably in Chan's lap, paying loose attention to the game show on TV. "We could give her those cute mini converse we saw in the store yesterday."

"Oh my gosh, or that pretty blue narwhale onesie." Chan added excitedly.

"And the 'two dads, double the dad jokes' shirt for if she's a toddler!"

The two hugged one another tightly due to the excitement they felt. Needless to say, they were indeed baby crazy, wanting to have kids and build their little family already. They were planning on going to apply to adopt a kid (preferably a little girl) tomorrow. Which was only adding to their excitement.

"I'm glad were adopting for the first kid." Felix admitted. "I think all the medical stuff would be too stressful to go through so early on."

"I agree," Chan said. "But I kinda wish it was possible for us to have our own kid, like straight couples."

Felix frowned and sighed.

"Me too." He replied. "Biology just isn't on our side."

"I know... It sucks." Chan sighed. "At least there's a few options for us, baby."

Felix nodded at that.

"Can we call the boys?" He asked. Chan nodded and they took their laptop out, setting it up for a call. Felix texted the group that they were going to call. He received a text back from Jisung who said they were all together and only needed to call one of them.

Felix told Chan to just call Jisung, to which he did via the laptop.

"Heyy!" Jisung said, his face appearing on screen. Chan and Felix waved and greeted him back. The camera on Jisung's end began to move a lot until it was placed in a way where all the other guys we're visible, aside from Changbin for some odd reason.

"Guys, our parents are here." Jisung announced to the rest of the boys who quickly looked over and Changbin popped up from laying on the floor.

Chan laughed and leaned his face to hide in Felix's neck. Of course the boys would talk about them like this after he and Felix had told them they planned on having kids.

"How's your engagement going?" Felix asked to Jisung and Minho who were still holding hands where the matching engagement rings were. They were never caught not holding hands despite Minho's constant complaints that it wasn't true.

Minho immediately sighed at his question. Jisung however was quite the opposite.

"We've started planning some bits and pieces." Jisung enthused. "Not a lot but it's enough to be exciting."

"We picked our colour scheme is what he's trying to say." Minho added. Felix immediately got the picture because, like Jisung, he was also super excited when he and Chan planned the wedding's colour scheme. It was what dictated most of the wedding.

"Why am I surrounded by the elderly?" Hyunjin muttered. However, everyone managed to hear him clearly.

"Shut up, we know you and Seungmin are on the border of proposal." Changbin interjectured, slapping Hyunjin's knee.

Hyunjin pouted while Seungmin awkwardly giggled. He leaned over to Hyunjin.

"Are we really?"

"Shush!" Hyunjin nudged his boyfriend to be quiet.

"Why are you all so gay!" Changbin whined, falling out of frame again.

Minho kicked him and he let out an ow.

"Don't abuse the ace!" Jeongin yelped, dive bombing onto Changbin.

"Now you're abusing me too!"

"But I'm ace too!" Jeongin retorted. "This is simply affection in our little world of humans are disgusting."

"I do not want your affection, get off, you're hurting me."

"Pile on!" Jisung announced and piled on top of Changbin and Jeongin, the other following on with lot of yells and laughter.

Chan smiled as he watched the screen, gently holding Felix's hand.

These were really their kids.

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