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A giggly young boy was racing around the field, all on his own. He cared not for the fact he nobody playing with him, he found it to be just as fun alone too. That way his imagination can fly and come up with the most crazy unworldly nonsense without limitation of those around.

It was as he was playing his fun little game all on his lonesome that a pretty tree caught his young eye. He had never been so intrigued in a tree before.

However, he had every right to, the longer he trained his eyes on this particular one. It was truly gorgeous and something he'd seen once in a picture novel his mother had read with him before bed.

In the mild summer breeze, the tree's pretty little red leaves danced around, few snapping away and spiralling to the fresh grass below. Even the tree's thick trunk was somehow wonderous. For it was flawless with no holes peckered in by pesky birds making a small birthing home.

The tree was the only one sat by the river. It looked so ethreal.

Soon enough, he saw he wasn't the only one completely absorbed by the tree.

He looked over to his side. That's when he saw it another young boy around his age was staring gormlessly up at it.

"Hello there?" He sweetly began, quite quickly gaining the attention of the boy. "My name's Chan!"

"H-hello Chan, my name's Yo-Felix." The other boy spoke, gaining more confidence in his words the further he spoke yet stumbled on his own name. Chan was already taking a liking to his potential new friend.

"Felix?" Chan said aloud, testing out the name. "It's nice to meet you!"

"It's nice to meet you, Chan!"

Chan smiled and watched as the newly introduced Felix waddled over to him. It was so cute to see the way he walked for some reason and it made Chan smile more and feel glad that he chose to talk to him. The two ended up in a big chatter storm, very quickly getting along as they realized how many things they had in common off the get go. They clicked so well together and Chan was excited to go home later and gush about his new friend to his mum.

She'd be so proud of him. Making a new friend in this new country.

✔︎𝖮𝗇𝗅𝗒 𝖸𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗌 ░ 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗡𝗟𝗜𝗫Where stories live. Discover now