Cross My Heart

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Chapter 18

"Josh?" You hear noises coming from somewhere in the house. You stand up and grab your shoe that was beside your bed. You walk out quietly and peek your head around the corner.

"Good morning beautiful!"

"Good morning! How'd you know I was here? And Josh! It's balls am! What are you doing up so early?"

"You're not the quietest person in the world. And I wanted to make you breakfast!"

"You must really love me!"

"Why do you say that? In fact I hate you!"

"You woke up this early just to make me breakfast! And I love you to Josh!"

"Wait if you thought I was a bad guy... Your weapon is a shoe?"

"Yes! Would you like to get hit in the face with a heel?"

"I guess not! Can I take you out for lunch?"


You both eat breakfast.

"I love you Josh!"

"I love you to Liz!" Lizzie leaves.

'I do I really do love her! No other girl has made me feel like this before!' Josh thought to himself.

Hours go by at work. It's lunch time. Lizzie walls outside tsk find Josh waiting there. Josh takes you to a restaurant.

"Josh I need to talk to you about something." You say kinda nervously.


"I wanna get married! Not today and maybe not even to you. But someday I wanna get married. I don't want you to say anything you'll regret. And I don't want you to be scared!" Josh just sits there.

"Josh?" Josh continues to just sit there.

"Josh you're scaring me! Please say something! Anything?"

"I, I don't think I'm ready for that kind of commitment yet Lizzie! I love you more then anything but we've only been dating a couple days!"

"It's okay Josh! I don't want to get married yet, or even this year! All I'm saying is that I wanna get married some day! Okay?"

"Okay. You always know the right things to say! I love you Liz!"

"And I love you to Josh?" You kiss. You both finish lunch and Josh drives you back to work.

"Have a good afternoon! I love you!"

"I love you to!" You smile and shut the door.

You finish work and drive home.

"Hey Josh I'm home!"

"How was your afternoon at work?"

"Good!" You kiss. Lizzie's eyes widen!

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