Face The Music

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Chapter 9



"No! Sorry!"

"Fine then! You've left me no other choice!" You squirm your way down until your hands reach the ground.

"Josh if you don't let my feet go I'm gonna fall!"

"Fine! Only because you did that squirmy thing! And by the way, how'd you do that anyways?" Josh lets your feet go and steps to the side. You hit perfect handstand, toes pointed, legs straight, tummy sucked, and toes pointed. You put one foot down then the other. You're now in bridge, you stand up from bridge, kind of like a front walkover.

"Thank you! And remember I used tone in cheerleading for like my whole life? And I still hit the cheer gym once in awhile."

"That's right! Now i remember!" Josh walks to the couch and sits down. You walk to the front door and put your coat and shoes on.

"What are you doing? I thought we are going for lunch?"

"We are! I thought you were going to put makeup on." Josh stands up and puts his shoes and coat on.

"I was. But you don't want me to, so I didn't."

"That's sweet!" Josh puts his hands in his pockets looking for his keys. You get then out if your pocket and wave them around.

"Looking for these?"

"Yup! Thanks!" Josh says reaching for them, you pull them back out if Josh's reach.

"No I'm going to drive today!"

"Fine then!" This time Josh sits in the passengers seat, and you in the drivers.

"So where are we going?" You start up the engine and back out of the driveway.

"The bowling alley on 22nd street."

"Oh okay. Very original!"

"What do you mean?"

"We're going to a bowling alley..."

"Yea what about it?"

"I know you Ramsay! You're gonna put 'the moves' on me."

"What 'moves'?"

"You know, where I ask for help because I can't bowl that well, and you help me by coming behind me, with both our hands on the ball, and you kind of hugging me from behind, except your hands aren't around me."

"Oh those 'moves'."

"Yes those 'moves'. I know you're gonna do that."

"Nah, not my style!"

"It's so your style!"

"What ever!" You turn the radio on. Josh starts singing along.

"We were both young when I first saw you, I close my eyes and the flashbacks start." He continues to sing. You give him that look like 'what are you doing?'

"Oh don't give me that look! I know you like it!"

"So what if I do?"

"I KNEW IT!" You start laughing. You pull into a parking spot.

"We're here!" You both undo your seatbelts and step out if the car. You keep the keys. You both walk in the Bowling alley.

"What size?"

"Six please!" You reply.

"Twelve." Josh replies to. (I don't know Joshs show size) the man behind the counter grabs two pairs if show and hands them both to you. You put them on Josh dies the same.

"Names?" The man behind the counter says.

"Josh and Lizzie." Josh says.

"Alley 5."

"Yes! One of my favourite numbers!" You say to Josh.

"And it's glow bowling! Yay! We're both wearing white shirts."

"Yup!" Josh replies to you. You guys both walk to alley 5 and your names appear on the screen.

"Looks like I'm up first! Sucka!"

"Obviously! They always save the best for last!"

"Sure!" You say sarcastically. You pick out a purple ball, Josh obviously grabs a blue ball. You roll the ball.

"YES! Strike! Beat that!"

"I will!" Josh rolls the ball down. Josh knocks one pin down.

"Yup you sure beat me!" You say sarcastically.

"Of coarse that happened I'm just warming up!"

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