Face The Music

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Chapter 7

"Thanks Josh it was great!" Josh walks you up the couple of steps.

"No problem! I had a great time!"

"I did to!"

"So uhh... Do you want to do this again some time?" Josh says scratching his head.

"Well..." Josh looks down in sadness.

"I'm just kidding! I'd love to!" Josh looks back up with a huge smile on his face and his gorgeous eyes showing! You got lost in them. Josh looks at your eyes, then your lips, then your eyes again. He kisses you! The kiss was better then you imagined!

"How was that for our first kiss?"

"Absolutely amazing! But it wasn't our first kiss." Josh looks confused.

"It wasn't?" He asks.

"Nope! Don't you remember?"

"Remember what?"

"Here come inside and I'll show you!" You gesture him to follow you inside. He does so. You both slipped off your shoes.

"I'll be right back! Make yourself at home!" Josh sits down on the couch. You return with a scrapbook. You sit down beside him, and lay the scrapbook on both your laps. You start flipping through pages to find the right page but Josh puts his hand on yours and it stops your hand.

"Stop! Lets look through all the pages!" He says smiling at you.

"O-okay!" You flip back to the front. You and Josh start looking at all the pictures.

"Hey look! There's little naked Josh!" You point at a picture.

"Nobody needs to see that!" Josh quickly turns the page and blushes.

"SEE! Tonight wasn't our first kiss! You kissed me when we were 7!" You say pointing at a picture.

"It wasn't a real kiss!"

"But it's still a kiss!" You smile at him and put your head on his shoulder and yawn. Josh continues to flip through the pages. You fall asleep.

"Hey Lizzie! You still awake?" Josh whispers. You didn't answer. Josh didn't want to disturb your sleep. So he just let you sleep in his shoulder.

'She's so cute when she sleeps!' Josh thought to himself.

"Goodnight Lizzie!" He whispers to you.

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