Beside You

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Chapter 41

.oOMonths Later (June)Oo.

"Josh, remember my dad is picking you up at 604 to take you out for supper tonight." Lizzie says to Josh.

"Okay, do you know what time?"

"5:30 I think."

"Okay thanks! Off to work!"

"Love you! Bye the way, Happy Birthday!"

"Love you too! Thanks!" Josh leaves for work.

Later Nicole comes by to pick Lizzie up, to go look at wedding dresses and bridesmaid dresses.

"You ready Liz?" Nicole asks.

"Yep!" Lizzie and Nicole walk to Nicole's car.

"So what time do we have to start decorating?" Nicole asks Lizzie.

"Well Josh should be there around 5:45 or 6:00ish so we should start decorating around, 4:30 would that work?" Lizzie asks.

"Yep! Works good!" Toby, Sara, Ange, Josh's mom, and Lizzie's mom all meet each other at the wedding boutique.

"Hey guys!" Lizzie says.

"Sup bro?" Toby asks. Lizzie laughs.

"What colour do you want the bridesmaid dresses to be?" Nicole asks.

"Blue, to match Josh's hair! Except, maybe a bit brighter." Lizzie laughs a bit.

"Oh okay!" Sara laughs.

After going through multiple dresses Lizzie tries another one on.

"What do you guys think?" Lizzie asks.

"You look stunning!"

"Just beautiful!"




"You look epic!" Toby says. Lizzie laughs.

"Thanks you guys! It means a lot!"

"What do you think Liz?" Lizzie's mom asks.

"I love it!" The dress was strapless, but simple.

"Is that the one?" Nicole asked.

"It's the one!" Lizzie smiles. Lizzie changes back into her regular clothes.

"Do you guys want to try on bridesmaid dresses now?" Lizzie asks.

"Yes!" Nicole says grabbing a blue dress. It was a bit shorter then her knees, and had one strap. Nicole tries it on.

"You look great Nicole!"



"Thank you!" Toby, Sara, and Ange on dresses, with the same colour and material, just different designs.

"Do you guys like them?" Lizzie asks.

"Love them!" Everyone replies.

"Well lets get them!" Lizzie says. Everyone pays for their dresses.

"We gotta go!" Lizzie says. It's almost 4:30. Everyone drives to Lizzie and Josh's house to start decorating.

.oOMeanwhile Back To JoshOo.

"Wow look at the time, it's almost 5:30" Josh mumbles to himself. A tiny bit later Lizzie's dad Bill, came to get Josh.

"Are you ready?" Bill asks in a serious tone.

"Yes, I'll just go grab my keys."

"Okay, Happy Birthday Josh!"

"Thank you!"

"Your welcome!" Josh and Bill walk to Josh's car.

"Are you going to wear that to supper?" Bill asks.

"That's what I was planning."

"No, lets go to your house and you can change."

"Umm okay." Josh drives to his house.

"Do you want to come in and wait?" Josh asks.

"Okay." Bill follows Josh into the house. Josh opens the door.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone yells.


"Happy Birthday Josh!"

"Wow thanks you guys!" Lizzie goes to hug Josh.

"Did you have a good day at work?" Lizzie asks.

"Not to bad! How'd wedding dress shopping go?"


"Can I see?"


"Why not?"

"It's bad luck!"

"Fine!" Lizzie laughs.

"Wait Liz?" Josh asks.

"Do you and someone else, have something to tell me?"

"No, why?" Lizzie asks.

"Well last time we had a surprise party, you and Matt had to tell me something."

"No! I swear! There's nothing!"


"Do you want to open your presents now?" Lizzie asks.

"Of coarse!" Josh reads the tag. It read 'To Josh, Love your Porcelain!' Josh smiles at Lizzie. He opens the present. It's pretty massive. He opens it.

"Wow! Thanks Lizzie!" He kisses her. The present was a electric blue guitar.

"Turn it over!" Lizzie says. Josh does so. It has a engraving on the back. It says, 'Love, your Porcelain!'

"Lizzie I love it!" Josh kisses Lizzie.

"Your welcome!" Josh opens more presents. Nicole, Matt, Mike, Ian, Brett, and Brennan got a bit drunk.

"Do you guys just wanna stay here tonight?" Lizzie asks.

"Sure." Nicole almost falls, but Lizzie catches her.

"Wow thanks bro!" Nicole says.

"No problem!" Lizzie laughs.

"We have two bedrooms, and two couches. You guys decide who gets what!" Joshs says and laughs. It ended up Nicole and Matt got one of the bedrooms, Mike got the other, Brennan got a couch, Ian got a couch, and Brett is passed out on the floor.

"I'm going to bed! Good night guys!" Lizzie says.

"Yea, me to! See ya!" Josh says.

"Wait Liz, one more thing!" Nicole says. Lizzie turns around.

"What?" She asks.

"Where's your sharpie?"

"In the cup on the counter!" Lizzie laughs. Nicole grabs the sharpie. Lizzie and Josh go to their bedroom.

"Thanks for the birthday present, and surprise present!"

"Your welcome!" Josh and Lizzie fall asleep.

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