Face The Music

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Chapter 3

"What's wrong Liz? Am I a bad kisser?" Matt says looking at you.

"No the kiss was great! It's just..." You pause and look down.

"It's just what? You know you can tell me anything!" He says and pulls your chin up.

"It's just, well does this feel right?"

"Does what feel right?"

"Us. Do we feel right? It doesn't feel right."

"Oh good! It's not just me! I think we're to good of friends to be more then friends!"

"Sure that could be it!" She says doubtfully.

"Okay what's wrong?" Matt says.

"Umm... Well."

"Come on tell me! Dont you trust me?"

"Of coarse I trust you! It's just that, I think I have feelings for another guy. Please don't ask who!"

"You know I have to! Who is he?" Matt moves closer.

"A guy."

"What's his name?"

"It's on a need to know base and you do not need to know! Here I'll give you a hint! Come here I'll whisper it to you!"

"Okay! What's the hint?" He leans in. You look around.

"We both know him..." You whisper into Matt's ear.

"Yes 'cause that narrows it down by a lot!" Matt says sarcastically.

"Sure does! Well I'm gonna go now!" You say standing up.

"Do you want me to give you a ride? It's pouring rain out there!"

"No it's fine! I need some time to think!" You get your shoes on and head out the door.

"Bye Matt!"

"Bye Lizzie!"

You start walking a little ways thinking about Josh and how perfect he is. 'He has perfect eyes! His beautiful eyes!' You thought. 'I get so lost in them so easily!'

Once your about a couple blocks away from your place you start shivering. A man walks up behind you and taps you on the back.

"Lizzie?" You turn around.

"Oh hey Josh!"

"Are you cold? Your shivering!"

"Umm no I'm fine!"

"Are you sure? You're not wearing a jacket!"

"It's okay josh I'm fine!" Josh takes his jacket off and wraps it around your shoulders.

"It's okay I have an umbrella!" You think to yourself 'wow he is so sweet!' You finally get to your place.

"Thanks for letting me borrow your jacket!"

"No problem!" You turn to go into your place.

"Hey umm Lizzie just wait a sec."

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